Sinclave family Organization in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Sinclave family

  • Who they are?
  • The sinclave family is one of founders families of Spiralai. Currently in change of the most powerful organization after the crown. The resiliant merchant.  


  • Where did they come from?
  • The come exploring from the lands north of the river. Their people was part of the Lowlanders, those who follow the city, awaiting for their turn to ascend.
  • Why did they left?
  • They were merchands from beyond the river. More importantly, they have grow tired of following the flying city and being implicitely considered 2nd class people, while they await for their turn to ascend. The excuse of trading with people beyond the safety of the flying city stela, could open better oportunities for the family.
  • Why did they stayed at Spiralai?
  • When they arrived, the Crystal family has very recently discover the area as well. But the protected area was huge and they sense this was the place they have been searching for. This was their oportunity for the future. The settle in the periferia, around one of the citadels.   This was proven true, when they discovered the activation of the city defences need to be done in conjuction between the spiral mountain mecanish and those in the citadels. Subdenly their settlement location was on vital importance for the city.  
  • What is their relationship to other families?
  • They relationship with the Crystal family was openly antagonistic, as they hold the spiral mountain, while they hold 2 of the citadels needed to activate the city defences. For generations, they were fighting for supremacy, which could only be adchieve by holding all the place of power in their hands. The situation changed after several other families attempted to ally agaist both of them, tired of the constant conflic in the city. When the Crystal family propose a truce and a political alliance to control the city, they sense it was time. Since then, they have devote themselves to the economy. becoming one of the reason, Entrelai has become the comerce nexus that is today.

    Structure and belief

  • What do they believe in?
  • Oportunity as a way of life. Always keep your eyes open and search for the signs. A new oportunity is always around the corner. Don't let other control your future.
  • How are the internally organized?
  • Money is influence in the family. The most sucesful a member of the family is, the more weight it voice has in the family.
    Political, Family


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