The cove that remembers Settlement in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The cove that remembers

Near the edge of the The Frontier Forest, a curved section of the The Forest Riverhas segmented from the main river and it has eroded a rock protuberamce, creating a small cove, hidden beetween the trees and the river.   At the end of the The unification war, this place was found by refuges runing from prosecution in the peninsula and taken as a temporary setlement, to protect the river from those thinking about persuing them into the forest.   Over time, most people who use it for refuge, either took into a more nomadic lifestyle or founded other settlements deeper into the safety of the forest, but this cove continue to be maned, as a early warning system to spot outsiders comming into the forest. This was the group who made contact with the subversive group. After this first contact, the cove importance for meetings and introductions has grown.   Currently, even when the work with the Ruins explorations for all! group, this cove is not one of their public bases, which are earlier in the river. It is used instead, for comerce and diplomacy. This is the first point of contact of any Serenian trainee which is to receive training in the forest. And it is normally the first point of contact of any forest soldier, to be stationed in Sea Fortress in the near future.


The Cove and its training grounds host around 1000 people at any given points. From that number, around 70% of them will be in the training grounds and 30% of them in the cove itself.   As the Cove is used to familiarize those from the forest to the people in the penisula and the other way around. They have a interracial population. At any given point, at least 30% of the people found in this outpost, would not be human.
  • 90% will be in the formative years (14 to 20 years or equivalent)
  • The remaining 10% of the population, which would normally reside in the cove would be merchant or other individials, permanenly assigned to the outpost, which normally manage it for the rest.


    Cove - Could give access to an underground ruin. As the outpost has grown in importance for the alliance, it has grown in population. Currently a good number of small merchants cicled throuts its instalation. They share wood, food and more importatly, weapons, numenera and information. This flow of information and comerce is normally between Forest heart and Serene. There is a good number of confortable sleeping arragment for any visitor. A smaller number of this merchants and a high number of mesengers live permanently in this outpost, facilitating any transaction, which has a time factor into it.   Training camps: This camps, are a new addition. created to train and familiarize any prospect candidate to join the other side of the alliance, in agreed middle ground. They live a little upriver from the cove, between the diferent rock formation, which form the cove. All soldiers who used this installations, have barracks and cantines provided in the camp, but it is frequent for many of them to visit the cove, when off-duty or off-training. If the need arise, some of them, may be used as mesengers
    Outpost / Base


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