The grey spin

The grey spin is a numenera artefact. It is used to safely store memories that the owner does not wish to keep inside their head, usually for safety reasons.  


The Grey Spin is a cylindrical device, about the size of an average middle finger. It has a metallic grey color, hence its name. The material seems similar to the one employed in Serene, the ship hulk, matte with a very smooth surface and apparently impervious to damage. A thin spiraled groove runs along the length of the cylinder. This groove will glow faintly with a purple hue if the device is activated to deposit or retrieve a memory.   Ruins explorations for all! has this item clasified in the highly dangerous section. Any individual who finds something even remotely similar to it must hand it over to the organization for investigation. If the device is deemed safe, it will be returned to the owner. If not, compensation will be given at market rates.


The device will only hold memories for one person, and only the person who stored the memory will be able to retrieve it. To store a memory, the device must be held inside the ear. This will activate the device, which will then connect to the holder. The holder will go into a light trance, during which they will be able to select the memories to store or retrieve the stored memories. If the holder is not the rightful owner, it will provide a light zap and disconnect.
The current owner, once connected to the device, can decide to reset its ownership by deleting or retrieving any memories currently present. If this is done, the next person to connect to the device will be considered the next owner.
Item type
Current Location
Owning Organization
About 12g
About the size of an average middle finger

Cover image: water by Biel Morro


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