The Peninsula Geographic Location in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The Peninsula


The peninsula is the easter part of Entrelai. A small promintory of land prominent in the Eastern Sea.

The interesting part of this pensinsula is that it's state is heavily debated by many, specially academics. One side debates, the northen limit is actually a river and not the sea, even when the river is very wide due being so close to the sea, But this still would not make it a peninsula. And on the other extreme of this argument, some people argue it's more an island than an peninsula. This is because a good portion of land side, is covered by the frontier forest, which is more impenetable than any sea or river. Regardless of the argument, the name stuck


The main ecosystem in the peninsula is a low-density forest forming open habitats with plenty of sunlight, those low-density forest give way to grasslands near the river.

Far from the river, there are bigger opening than usual covered by groves and weird rocks.

In the centre of the peninsula, an area stand out, this is a praerie, which cover this area. Everything which grow in this area is smaller than half a meter and it have very deep roots

Localized Phenomena

From time to time, normally around second equinox of the year. The prairies located in the central area of the penisula, experience very strong stationary tornados. This tornados appears always in the same rough area, but the exact location may vary from event to event.

The first signal of this event is a sudden increase of the wind in the area. The wind seem to come from the nearest coast heading into the a specific point in the praires. When all winds converge at that point, the tornado will start. It won't move from that location, but it will tear to pieces anything bigger than half a meter which is not well anchor in the ground.

If you find your self in the area when this tornados are about to happen, your best bet for survival is to try to guess where the center will happen. This would be the area where the winds subdenly dies down. If you find it, sit down, very quiet and wait for it to die down. Since the tornado is stationary, as long as you stay in the perfect centre, you will be safe.


Because it surrounded by the sea by 3 sides and it borders the The Frontier Forest in the 4th. The weather here is warmer, that in the rest of Entrelai. I doesn't reach fully tropical levels, like the ones found in the forest. But its enough to have very atenuated cold seasons. Perfect for agriculture and a one of the reasons, Serene has switched into a almost perma-holiday resort.

Natural Resources

  • From the River and sea - Fish and fishing related activities
  • From the River - Clay
  • From the Sea - Comerce with the The Islands Conclave and other Sea coastal areas.
  • From the forest - Wood and lumber
  • From the forest - Animal hunting
  • From the prairies - grass and flower
  • From the prairies - farm land and area for animal grazing
  • From the ruins - Numenera
  • Type


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