The Old Ones

The old gods have turned against us, but we will continue. We don't need the gods anymore, we will forsake them and follow the path our ancestors, the Old Ones left for us in the protected city.
— Utena Crystal
  According to the recording of the Crystal family, the old gods used to speak with the people, promising protection and comfort to any who followed them. They were capricious, after some time they grew bored of the people. So they left them in a dying land to perish in their ancestral home beyond the mountains.  
The history of Utena Crystal is the perfect cautionary tale of why no one who wishes for future prosperity should look to gods or the supernatural. Yes, it is more than possible they still exist, but their whims are not to be trusted. Instead, we should do as she did and follow the teachings of the numenera, the teachings of the Old Ones who built this city.
  The Old Ones, are the old advanced civilization, who built the original city where Spiralai is today. The descendants of the Crystal family claim to be spiritual descendants of that original civilization whose spirits guided Utena Crystal towards safety and give people an alternative to the whims of the olds gods to flourish as they did.   The worship of the olds ones is the main reason numenera study is considered a religious act not just a science. The main numenera institutions in the capital, Spiralai are under the control of a religious organization called The Order of Truth which oversee numenera investigation in most of Entrelai and several other adjacent nations.

Historical Basis

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The old gods were in fact an old creature of the datasphere, called ANKARA. This creature was using the ancestors of Crystal family as remote hands before a datasphere storm rendered it unoperative for a long period of time. This started a chain of events, which culminated with the creation of The Imposible Desert
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Cover image: by midjourney AI


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