The Renewal of the Heart Tradition / Ritual in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The Renewal of the Heart

The renewal of the Heart, happens everytime the Heart of River dies. When this happens, a new leader for River Heart needs to be elected.  

Burial of the dead leader

One day after their death, the old leader funeral rites are performed. Their delegates and family, if the are nearby or they can be sumoned in time, perfom it.
They are given a purification bath in the river, After they have been purified, they are dressed in their finesh clothes and addorned with their favorites ornaments. After this, the body is shrouded with cloth woven from silver dragon fibres. The hunters then take the body and deliver it from the place where it was prepared, to The Heart itself. A procesion of the people currently in the village, follow the hunters to give their last goodbyes.  

The start of The Renewal

After arrival, the shrouded body is left in the entrance. This will send a signal to The Heart: The old leader has died, and it will begin the actual Renewal Ceremony.

First Stage: Feast of the waiting

The earth beneath the body, opens up and absorbes the dead leader. When the absortion has finished, the door to The Hearts opens up. During this time between leaders, its traditional to suspend all normal activities in the village. Trade and diplomatic conversation are paused, instead everyone shares their food, drink and histories with each others. In the fires a special herb mixture, only prepared for this festival, is burn. It clears the mind of all negative, facilitating the transition.

Second Stage: Feast of the chosen

While the feast rages on, anyone can enter The Heart, one by one. When the new choosen leader enters, the whole room iluminates and the portal to Forest Heart opens. After crosing, the new leader will absorb all knowledge regarding the machine and some memories of the dead leaders. The Heart of the forest will welcome them to the role and offer some guidance. After some hours, both The Heart of the forest and the new Heart of the rivel will come back and join the celebrations until the fires dies and the new day begins.
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