The unreachable mountain of rivers Geographic Location in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The unreachable mountain of rivers


East of Entrelai, there is a very interesting mountain range. It consists of a series of mountains which surround a central one. A massive lake surrounds the central mountain, with two big rivers coming from the west feeding water into it. Towards the east, it's the lake which feeds a number of big and small rivers, leaving towards The Frontier Forest.


This contains a different number of biomes, following the rivers.
Surrounding the mountains and in the valleys between them, the area is fertile grassy valleys. Tall grasses feed a good number of animals. Once upon a time, this area hosted several towns from the The redwood alliance, which are now abandoned.
Further, into the mountain range proper, the tall grass, gives way to a forest. The tree is not very tall and the wood they produce is considered less quality than those in The Frontier Forest, which is why they are not being exploited.
Beyond the cove, with the strange sands, there is the lake. This lake can only be observed from the cove, as no life can go beyond. This is not a death area, no death remains can be seen at beginning of it. Simply living things can't cross an invisible barrier, somewhere in the cove. Even fish, in the river, don't seem to cross it.
In the place where the external mountains range, fall into the internal lake, the forest transition, into a cove. This cove is covered by strange sand, where certain small animals, especially reptiles and amphibians, make their home. The erosion in these mountains creates an infinity of small caves
Beyond the unreachable lake, the lone mountain seems to contain life. It seems to be a sparsely populated forest, with short trees and snow. As this area is not accessible, nobody knows, what really lives there.


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