The white masacre of Greenleaf

After the 4 consecutive year, of young girls being missing in the streets in the city of Greenleaf, without any direct action from the council to remediate the situation, the situation was starting to boil on the affected neighbourhoods, all of them outside the walls of the city. So in the nearby forest a small militia started to form and train, the purpose of the training was never completely clear, some attending individual wanted to take arms and displace the Council, that most people assumed were protecting the culprit. Other seem to only want to offer their area the protection the council was denying them.   Regardless of the reason behind the secret training, its existence reached the ears of the higher ups in the city, they saw it as revolt towards their position as the protectors and rulers of the city. The council, decided to convene to see how to deal with this perceived menace. From the members that compose it, only one propose to parley with them, to seek the reason of such actions against the city, the rest voted towards a violent show of force towards not only the member of this militia but also their families. The outlier was none other than Gurner Fron. An old Arkus, who has made a name collecting and helping parties acquire numenera, most of it, used to improve the city. He had made quite a few shins in the process and had recently joined the Council.   His words of reason, could not reach the rest of them, who sent the city guards to apprehend all of those whom they decided was participating in the militia. When the city guards arrived, they found that words of the imminent raid has gone out and the peasant were waiting "armed" and ready to defend themselves. The weapons were mostly improvised farm tools and could not really compete with City guards, that killed all of those who resisted, burned the houses and captured, those who were not fighting but had not fled to the forest.   Those captured, were executed publicly the next day in the city hold, Councilman Felder gave a speech as part of the execution
  The council rules are stablished for the city benefit, all those who rebel with the intention of creating chaos, are not better that the abhumans that sometimes plage us. So if you wish to live in the wilds, be my guest and leave the city. But if you decide to stay, this is the only fate that awaits those who betray the city trust.
  Afterwards, in the next warm season, Councilman Gurner Fron left the Council and the City with a bunch of brave souls, ready to start their own settlement in an undefended but lush valley nearby, which will receive the name of Melomyr .
Conflict Type


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Dec 12, 2020 21:15 by Eallixy

Nice article! I wonder what happened to those girls.