Gurner Fron Character in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Gurner Fron

You don't need to go out to the wide world to find wonders, look around you, our village is a little miracle.
    Gurner Fron is the oldest man alive in Ellomyr. He is also considered the most important person in the village and openly referred as his founder, as even on his old age, he was the one who leaded, those who had become disgruntled with the Council on Greenleaf and were willing to take the risk to create a new settlement in the wild, after the The white masacre of Greenleaf.  

Early life

  Born in the south, from merchant parents, he showed aptitude to lead and organize people according to their best abilities, starting with him own brother and sister, very early. His parent, noticed this and devoted a portion of their income to ensure he received education in this matter from the best in their city. Their idea was to get him on politics to get a better position for the family in the future.   Unfortunately, Gurner Fron show very little interest in politics and started to show a deep dislike for his leadership classes and other social gathering, he was expected to attend. Instead, he started to organize his time to search for small parties, to lead to old ruins where they could recover numenera and other trinkets  

Time as an explorer

His family was not happy with this turn of events and keep trying to push him toward politics during his time as an adventured, specially after a particularly successful venture gave the city, a competitive leverage towards neighbouring ones, who propel his party into public knowledge. Still young, he decided to leave town, to avoid again being pushed into a position he disliked. He spent his time leading parties into different ruins and old sites, until his discovered The Trilling shard alone in a valley in Navarene not to far from the Amber Monolith.   After that moment, he located the closest settlement to it and decided to settle there, still leading several parties towards the numerous ruins in the area, he started to gain reputation in his chosen city, Greenleaf. He would also make several visit to The Trilling shard, as the artefact music has captured his heart.  

Life as a councillor

Finally, after the death of one of the member of their council, he got an invitation to join. He has been running away for councils and formal politics for most of his life, as he did not consider them a good match for their aptitudes. Too much bureaucracy to get enough things done, but he was almost 45 years old and getting into ruins was starting to become a problem, so in this case, he decided to accept. He quite soon started to become a "problem" for the rest of the council, as his continuous effort to reallocate resources and people to the positions he could see where best for the city, would normally clash with the private objectives of the rest of the council member. Eventually he managed to get some member on his side and to start to create some small changes which would benefit the city. They could have bloom into bigger changes, if he has stayed in his positions longer.  

Break with the council

After the events of The white masacre of Greenleaf, he lost all faith in the council and by extension the city, having all his fears about politics realized, he decided it was time to act outside the council and try something new. He organized in secret a visit to the local nobleman, Muskinta oldring, in charge of this area of Navarene. After the meeting, he got his good graces to gather brave people, willing to leave Greenleaf and settled somewhere else in the region. Of course, the area chosen for this new settlement, is the valley, where the The Trilling shard, which stole his heart resided. He hoped his music, he saw as lifting and hope filling would be enough to protect the valley and his new village for the dangers of the world.  

Life in Ellomyr

A good portion of the initial tools and provision needed to settle, were provided by him. After the first settlement, anything that he heard was needed and could not be collected or crafted with their resources, was requested from the other settlement, if inquired regarding where those things were coming or who was adquiring them. He just smiled and tell a history regarding one or another adventurer party he had participated in the past.   Not willing to repeat what he perceived as mistakes of the past, he didn't accept to be the leader for the community, just offering an advisor role to it instead. He thinks it's better, when a challenge arise, those interested in the community find a solution to it, to keep things flexible and let everything grow organically.

Gurner Fron

Adaptable Arkus who learns from adversity
Current Location
Year of Birth
340 AE 65 Years old
dark brown
white and short, collected in a bun in his back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
honey brown, clearly tanned by the sun


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