Tide Croser Vehicle in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Tide Croser

History and invention

The crosing of the marsh of lanterns, has always been perilous to traverse on foot due to the randon nature of its tides and speed of the water returning. For this reason, the local recomendation always is to traverse it on a boat during high tide instead.
  Unfortunatelly, the low tide arrives as fast and randonly as the high tide does, So when this solution is safe, as it won't let the croser in the middle of the marsh, when the water returns. When this happens, the person going across need to risk abandoning their boad to complete it on foot, on the hope to retrieve it later or wait for the water to return to complete the crossing.
  The solution to this particular problem materialized itself in this invention, attaching several wheels to the boat structure, creates a boat-cart hibrid, which allows to traverse the marsh safely at any point of the tide.  

Structure and variations

The basic structure is composed by double-outrigger boat. The difference is on the construction of the outriggers, this vessels have. They are designed to lay flat below the boat, if no water is present. This allow for a easier transportation of the boat, if the tide is low.
  There are many types of Tide Crosers, depending of the intended use. the one describe above is the most basic one. Normally they are used for a individual person to make the crossing. They are power by a paddle.
  Other models, normally bigger, include sails, to use the wind to make the crossing. The biggest ones, which are normally used to ship materials between the islands in the marsh, not only have sails, but a compartment, where a best of burden rest until its needed to move the croser in low tide.
There has been attemps to complete the design, to allow the croser to move on completly dry land as well as the marsh, but for now, no stable configuration has been found that would allow both without modification at port.
Owning Organization
Very common


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