The Islands Conclave Organization in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The Islands Conclave

The Conclave is the government which rules in the island east of Entrelai. It gets its name from the main social event of the year. A big meeting, which happens at the summer solstice. Representatives of each clan can travel to the chosen island to socialize and exchange gifts with members of the other islands.


The Conclave is organized in clans. Each island has a different one. Each year in the main conclave, a leader clan is chosen based on the amount and quality of the tribute, they offer to the sailors to trade abroad. The leader clan hosts the conclave the following year. They can also, at will, recall all the militia each clan has if it feels, this is necessary.
Inside each clan, a council it's chosen. This council must contain members of all different sides of the island society. This normally includes:
  • An Elderly man and woman.
  • A representative of the most important profesions
  • A sailor/trader
  • A member of the militia
  • And most unusual of all, an underage member of society


The culture of the island is based on reverence for the two elements they can always see:
  • The sea, is a harsh mother which always provides but does not tolerate mistakes or stupid behaviour.
  • The ancients, represented in the gargantuan building/statues, which mark and warn the end of the inner sea
To ensure not only the survival but the good fortune of the people on the island, everyone must do their part. To ensure everyone will do their part, everyone must be heard and taken into consideration. Everyone must understand the basics of life. Like the sea, you must give, freely and unconditionally to thrive and be given in return.  


The isn't any official currency inside the Conclave. Gifting is the way goods move around. Shins are accepted, but normally only used with foreigners. Offering them is considered disrespectful. Asking for them is a severe breach of etiquette.  


The laws are based on tradition. Anyone in the council can ask to modify them or add more if there is enough reason for it. For modification to pass, the council must be 100% in agreement. These laws are then, enforced by the clan militia.

Demography and Population

The population in the island is quite young. Around 15 thousand combining all the island. From that number, around 80% have profesions which are directly related to the sea. From the 20% remaining, the mayority are crafters of one style or another.


East of Entrelai, in the Eastern Sea. There are a good number of disparate island, around 50. They all have different sizes, which are the home of the different tribes of the conclave.


Each tribe maintain a militia, this is more of a self-defence force, to ensure pirates and other creatures does not attempt to attack the tribe island or if they do, they pay the price for it. In case of necesity the leader tribe, can recall all of this disparate militia to stand as the concord army, but if this happens, they start being resposible for the upkeep of this combined army.

Foreign Relations

The Conclave consider most foreig countries barbaric. They consider particulary disturbing the idea of titles which pass from father to son. As it's contrary to their belief of giving in advance to receive from others. They look, Entrelai with concerning eyes, as they seem to be encroaching in the sea, each year a little bit more.

The sea is a harsh mother

Geopolitical, State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles


Entrelai doesn't consider the Conclave as a force to fear and it doesn't feel like it can strech it force to take it over without putting themselves in a dangerous situation in the continent.
The Island Conclave see entrelai as a savage place, where those in power just take from everyone, without hesiation and are worried to be the next one in the list


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