

The landscape of Autumnia is dominated by expansive forests, where the foliage paints a mesmerizing tapestry of reds, oranges, and golds year-round. Towering trees, adorned with leaves of myriad colors, create a captivating canopy that blankets the land in a perpetual state of fall. These forests are home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, with deciduous trees such as maples, oaks, and birches dominating the landscape. Two small rivers meander through the heart of Autumnia, their tranquil waters reflecting the kaleidoscope of colors that adorn the surrounding forests. These rivers serve as lifelines for the region, providing sustenance to the diverse ecosystem while offering opportunities for recreation and exploration for residents and visitors alike. Amidst the undulating terrain of Autumnia rise a few modest mountains, their peaks reaching towards the sky with a quiet dignity. Though not as imposing as the mountains found in other regions, these gentle slopes add a sense of depth and texture to the landscape, offering panoramic views of the surrounding forests and coastline. To the east and west, Autumnia is embraced by the soothing embrace of the sea, with coastlines that stretch for miles along the horizon. The eastern coast is characterized by rugged cliffs and rocky shores, where the waves crash against the shoreline with a rhythmic cadence. In contrast, the western coast boasts sandy beaches and sheltered coves.


Flora: Autumnia's forests are the cornerstone of its ecosystem, hosting a rich tapestry of deciduous trees adorned with vibrant autumnal foliage. Maple, oak, birch, and beech trees dominate the landscape, their fiery hues painting the canopy with a mesmerizing palette of reds, oranges, and golds. Beneath the canopy, a diverse understory of shrubs, ferns, and wildflowers flourishes, providing habitat and sustenance for a variety of wildlife.   Fauna: Autumnia is home to a diverse array of animal species, each adapted to thrive amidst the changing seasons of the forest. Mammals such as deer, foxes, squirrels, and rabbits are abundant, their populations supported by the ample food and shelter provided by the forest. Birds of prey, including hawks, owls, and eagles, soar overhead, while songbirds like thrushes, warblers, and sparrows fill the air with their melodic calls. Amphibians and reptiles, such as frogs, salamanders, and snakes, find refuge in the moist woodlands and along the banks of the region's rivers and streams.   Aquatic Life: The rivers and streams that wind through Autumnia are teeming with aquatic life, supporting a diverse array of fish, amphibians, and invertebrates. Trout, salmon, and bass are among the fish species that inhabit these waterways, while frogs, toads, and newts breed in the shallows. Invertebrates such as dragonflies, damselflies, and mayflies dance above the water's surface, serving as essential food sources for both aquatic and terrestrial predators.   Coastal Ecosystem: Autumnia's two coastlines add another dimension to its ecosystem, providing habitat for a variety of marine and coastal species. Along the eastern coast, rocky cliffs and tide pools are home to an assortment of marine life, including crustaceans, mollusks, and seabirds. The western coast, with its sandy beaches and sheltered coves, supports thriving populations of shorebirds, marine mammals, and coastal vegetation such as dune grasses and salt-tolerant shrubs.

Localized Phenomena

Autumnia Forest is stuck in a constant state of Fall, yet the leaves that are blown off of the trees grow back in a matter of minutes. It is unknown how or why this occurs, and it can inconvenience human life there. The leaves that aren't swept into the oceans provide cover and obscuring brush for prey animals to use.
Alternative Name(s)
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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