The Autumnian League


The Autumnian League is a kingdom with both a king and a council. The council decides local matters and advises the king, while the king is the supreme leader of the land.


Trade is the lifeblood of the Autumnian League, with bustling marketplaces and bustling ports serving as focal points of economic activity. Merchants, hailing from diverse backgrounds and possessing astute business acumen, navigate the intricate web of commercial transactions, seeking profitable opportunities both domestically and abroad. The pursuit of financial gain drives innovation and entrepreneurship within the Autumnian League. Merchants invest in ventures ranging from textiles and spices to exotic goods from distant lands, leveraging their expertise and resources to maximize profits. The republic's economic policies prioritize free trade and competition, fostering an environment conducive to prosperity and wealth accumulation. Despite the fervor for financial gain, the Autumnian League remains steadfast in its commitment to peace. Recognizing the interdependence of trade and stability, the nation actively promotes diplomatic relations and seeks to resolve conflicts through negotiation and mediation. Diplomats and envoys work tirelessly to forge alliances and treaties, ensuring that commerce flows unhindered and prosperity is shared among nations.

Public Agenda

The nation's agenda revolves around two things- financial gain, and peace. Autumnia, against all odds, has perserved. And through these two tenets, it will continue to perservere. Libertas, Silva, Lucrum!


Autumnia has a decent army and moderately-sized navy. Due to their large belief in diplomatic action, they tend to live off of alliances and trade. Their infrastructure is grand, their coffers are full, and their cities are prosperous.


For centuries, Autumnia was forced under the rule of what is now the Serenithian Empire. They attempted several times to gain independance, through both diplomatic and warlike means, but it never succeeded. It wasn't until the Second Midland Summit that their independance would finally be recognized. During the Great Numiran War, however, the Great Serenithian Empire tried and failed to subjugate them once more.

Demography and Population

The Autumnian League's population is primarily human in origin, but elves and tieflings are nearly as common. Autumnia is also home to many gnomes, giff, goblins, aarakocra, echoes, halflings, tabaxi, lizardfolk, dragonborn, aasimar, orcs, and dwarves.

Foreign Relations

Autumnia has fantastic relations with both the Island Republics and Valleyhome, but the Cyraneed and Serenithian Empires both wish for the Autumnian League's downfall.

Libertas, Silva, Lucrum

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
-Animal products -Alterran goods -Cloth -Timber -Glass -Ships
Major Imports
-Raw metal -Crops -Bamboo -Tools -Stone -Clay
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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