
A constant hum of busy activity pervades the warrens and neighborhoods where gnomes form their close-knit communities. Louder sounds punctuate the hum: a crunch of grinding gears here, a minor explosion there, a yelp of surprise or triumph, and especially bursts of laughter. Gnomes take delight in life, enjoying every moment of invention, exploration, investigation, creation, and play.

Basic Information


Gnomes are very small compared to most other races and, with an average height ranging between 3′0‒4′0 and a weight range of 40‒45 lbs, gnomes are generally larger and heavier than halflings, though forest gnomes – ranging between 2′1‒2′10 in height and 21‒35 lbs in weight – tended to be smaller than halflings, leading some scholars to erroneously classify all gnomish races as "smaller than the Hin". While halflings are commonly said to resemble short humans, gnomes are more comparable with elves, with whom they share pointed ears and high cheekbones, or even dwarves, due to their tendency to grow beards and live underground. Many gnomes have a more feral appearance than either, however, with hair that often sprouts from their heads in odd directions. The skin of gnomes runs in hue from reddish tans to earthy browns or even shades of gray, with exact hue somewhat dependent upon the ethnic origin of a gnome. Similarly, gnomish hair varies wildly in color from blonde and brown to more exotic colors like white, orange, or even green. Gnomish eyes are often glittering black or blue, although more natural eye colors are also known to the race.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes reach maturity at fifty and are considered elderly at three-hundred years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnomes live almost anywhere- from halfling hillsides to human cities. They often trace back their roots to the caves and valleys of Frostrise, but it isn't quite certain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gnomes require less than humans and typically get their food from farms or trade.


Gnomes, much to the likeness of halflings in Cineres, are a nomadic people. Whenever they stay in one place for too long, they grow restless and roudy. Sometimes it results in mild sadness, yet in some cases it can create bouts of anger- an emotion not often seen in gnomes. As an innovative people, they also like to be technologically superior to other nations as friendly competition.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gnomish and halfling caravans are led by their oldest and most wise member. They directly correlate old age with wisdom, problem-solving, and intellect. Young gnomes often hold many labor-intensive jobs.

Facial characteristics

Gnomes have exaggerated facial features with a large jawline and flat face.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most gnomes can be found in gnomish and halfling caravans, while many others can simply be found anywhere. There is also the rare case of living underground, as displayed by deepgnomes. Those looking for gnomish ingenuity typically look in caves and caravans on the outskirts of settlements.

Average Intelligence

Gnomes exceed in intellect, as they are natural-born engineers and scientists. Their actions are dictated entirely by logic and reason.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes have superior darkvision to all races, but most other sensory capabilities remain the same to humans.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Gnomes have no nation to call their own, instead they have countless small groups of nomads.

Average Technological Level

Gnomes do not have what humans would think of as advanced technology, but they certainly have a knack for gadgets and bobbles. They excel with firearms and other complicated machinery, but they have almost nothing in terms of armor or biology.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Gnomes speak common and gnomish, yet many know halfling as well.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Gnomes seem to only think of the present- never the past and never the future.


For as long as history was written, gnomes have always been recorded to travel in nomadic groups alongside halflings. Despite this, nomadic cave-dwelling deep gnomes sprung up within the last few centuries. The other races and nations of the world have always seen gnomes as simple merchants, and the only times they've ever faced danger was during the Wild Hunt and orcish/goblinese attacks. Due to their long lifespans, gnomes already know how to deal with most existing threats, and how to avoid them entirely.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

No race could be closer to the gnome than a halfling. Yet nevertheless, gnomes often wish that halflings were more active and energetic people. Gnomes also wish for halflings to be more recognized by the general public, and better rewarded for the selfless and good deeds. Dwarves are good friends of the gnomish people as well due to their many similarities in the fields of engineering and machining.
Average Height
3-4 ft.
Average Weight
40-45 lbs.
Average Physique
Gnomes aren't often muscular, and their limbs are far thinner than other races. They appear as if they were much smaller and shorter versions of elves, while still retaining the halfling aesthetic.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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