
Basic Information


Mechromancers do not have a baseline appearance due to their method of creation. Mechro life begins with the making of a core. The core then sets out on a pilgrimage to attach scrap to itself via nanites. After almost thirty years of construction, the core typically has usable arms, legs, and sensory devices. It is at this point that the Mechro broadcasts a signal that can be picked up by all Mechromancers. Once they are taken to a mechro settlement, they can decide their own fate. Most go to Mechsmiths to obtain better bodies, but some try to become Mechsmiths themselves. Before gaining a better body, Mechros appear as a refined core nested within large amounts of scrap. They could appear spiderlike, animalistic, or even humanoid- however they will always be poorly functioning. After visiting a Mechsmiths, Mechros typically look much more refined and efficient, but they will forever look like they are mostly made of scrap.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mechromancers can only be created with nanites- a form of artificial cell that can only be constructed with forgotten technology. No known race can create nanites, so Mechromancers must search the world to find leftover caches of nanites from their creators.

Ecology and Habitats

Mechromancers can survive in most environments, but their cores are extremely vulnerable to magma. If lava or magma comes in contact with the liquid bomb inside of a Mechro's core, they will detonate on the spot.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mechromancers have no need for food or water, but occasionally they do have to dust off the interior of their cores and do basic maintenance to prevent metal corrosion.


Due to the high processing power of their already small, Mechromancers must sacrifice one base emotion to conserve their computation. Most get rid of anger or sadness, but the removal of any emotion has severe drawbacks.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Because Mechros visually and personally appear as strange and emotionless to outsiders, they have been highly discriminated against. To stay away from violence, Mechromancers live in hidden encampents deep in the wilderness.

Average Intelligence

Mechromancers are highly intelligent in comparison to humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mechanoids have human-level sensory capabilities originating from their core. These senses can be upgraded, relocated, or heavily modified by a Mechsmith.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Once a Mechromancer finishes a pilgrimage, they are granted a name by the Collective. They typically name Mechros off of notable things that happened during their pilgrimage. If a Mechro succesfully hunts down and kills a large bear, the Collective may name them "Bearslayer."

Major Organizations

Their government, god, and overlord is called the Collective. -A machine consciousness comprised of all Mechromancers to ever die. -It has no arcane power but it's intelligence is so vast that it can simulate entire universes in a matter of hours. -Worshipped primarily by Mechros, but it accepts anyone on one condition. That when they die, they must upload their consciousness to the Collective.

Courtship Ideals

Mechromancers do not have romantic urges whatsoever. There is no benefit of such.

Average Technological Level

Mechromancers have some of the most complex technology in the Old World, but they rarely ever innovate on it. The Collective dictates when certain technological fields should be advanced and when they shouldn't. It's theorized that this is some sort of safety algorithim.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Mechromancers speak in Kraul, Common, and in coding languages.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Mechromancers culture is very spiritual, which at first seems odd for a race of artificially intelligent constructs. Nevertheless though, they value wisdom and knowledge above all else. Scientists are their priests and Physics their god.


The creator of the Mechromancers is unknown, but there are many theories as to their origins. One theory is that they were created by the gods, but there are many oversights in that story. Another theory is that they were created by mages, but it is highly unlikely since mages tend to only create organic life. The final plausible theory is that they were created by a long dead race, one with technology rivaling the most ancient living races. As of now no theory is widely accepted, and therefore many Mechromancers dedicate their lives to the search for their creators. Nowadays, though, Mechro numbers have been rapidly dwindling.
Scientific Name
Related Organizations


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