Serenithian Empire


The Serenithian Empire is led by an emperor, and the individual cities/towns are led by barons. Smaller villages tend to have locally elected mayors, but the baron of that territory has full jurisdiction there.


At the core of Serenethian culture lies the ideal of martial excellence. Children are trained from an early age in the art of combat, honing their skills with sword, bow, and spear under the watchful eyes of seasoned warriors. The empire boasts a formidable military, with its soldiers renowned for their discipline, courage, and unwavering loyalty to the imperial throne. War is not merely a means of expansion for the Serenethians but a way of life, a crucible in which their strength and honor are forged.   Yet, amidst the clamor of battle, the Serenethians maintain a strict code of conduct. Laws govern every aspect of life, from the allocation of land to the conduct of trade. Justice is swift and uncompromising, meted out by a network of magistrates and enforcers who ensure that order is maintained at all costs. Any transgression against the empire's laws is met with harsh punishment, serving as a stark deterrent to would-be rebels.   Central to Serenethian society is the concept of hierarchy. At its apex stands the emperor, revered as both a ruler and a warrior, whose word is law. Beneath him are the nobles, who hold vast estates and command great respect on the battlefield. Below the nobility are the common folk, who toil the land and serve in the army, their lives governed by the whims of those above them.   Religion also plays a significant role in Serenethian culture. The empire worships a pantheon of gods, each representing different aspects of war, justice, and prosperity. Temples dot the landscape, their priests guiding the faithful and offering sacrifices to appease the gods' wrath. Despite its warlike nature, the Serenethian Empire is not without its moments of artistry and beauty. Great cities adorned with marble palaces and towering spires serve as bastions of civilization amidst the untamed wilderness of the Midlands. Scholars and poets flourish, their works celebrating the empire's triumphs and lamenting its losses.

Public Agenda

The empire's primary goal is expansion. Be it through wealth, colonization, or conquest, Serenith will expand at all costs.


The Serenithian Empire isn't currently the most wealthy nation due to the Great Numiran War, but it still has titanic defensive and offensive capabilities. The empire also holds Serenith, the capital of Prythwyn itself. The city is so large that it could be considered its own region. Alongside the capital, many other cities and towns dot the fertile grasslands.


Refer to the historical timeline.

Demography and Population

The Serenithian Empire is primarily populated with humans, but a few other races do exist there. Some of the most notable are tieflings, giff, and hill dwarves.


Armies are organized into battalions, each commanded by a seasoned baron or knight who has proven their worth on the battlefield. These leaders are not only skilled in combat but also well-versed in the tactics and strategies essential for victory. They inspire loyalty and respect among their troops, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity that strengthens the army's resolve.     Infantrymen form the backbone of the Serenethian military, armed with swords, shields, and spears. They are trained to fight in tight formations, their movements coordinated with precision to withstand enemy assaults and launch devastating counterattacks.   Archers and musketeers provide ranged support, raining projectiles down upon the enemy from a distance. Their accuracy and marksmanship are unmatched, able to strike down foes with deadly efficiency. Behind them, siege engines stand ready to lay siege to enemy fortifications, their massive cannons and trebuchets capable of reducing even the strongest walls to rubble.   Cavalry units, composed of knights mounted on armored steeds, charge into battle with thunderous force. They are the epitome of chivalry and courage, leading daring charges against enemy lines and breaking their ranks with sheer momentum and skill.   The Serenethian military is not only skilled in open warfare but also adept at siegecraft and defense. Castles and fortresses dot the landscape, their imposing walls and sturdy defenses serving as bastions of imperial power. Garrisoned by loyal soldiers and manned by skilled engineers, these strongholds are nigh impregnable, able to withstand even the most determined enemy assaults.

Foreign Relations

The Cyraneed Empire and the Serenithian Empire are in a military alliance called the Southern Federation. Their relations still undergo tension from time to time, but they are not openly hostile. Serenith, however, is hostile to nearly every other nation.

Let Your Enemies Cower, And Your Pockets Deepen

Founding Date
199 SE
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire, Serenith
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
They use the standord Prythwyn economic system.
Major Exports
  • Crops
  • Bread
  • Artisan goods
  • Armor
  • Stone
  • Horses
  • Milk
Major Imports
  • Firearms
  • Metal (refined and unrefined)
  • Timber
  • Fish
  • Ships
  • Leather


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