
Orcs were once ancient defenders of the world against evil, but the goddess Gloria slowly inflated their lust for victory. Now, most orcs live freely amongst the rest of the world's races, yet some still cling to their old beliefs.

Basic Information


While they differ greatly, orcs share certain physical qualities. Orcs of all kinds usually have stooped builds, grayish skin, and coarse black hair, with low foreheads, reddish eyes, and faces of porcine appearance that featured large lower canines similar to tusks. They also have sharp ears that are pointed on the ends. Orcs are roughly the same size as humans and similar humanoids, though usually larger.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs reach maturity at eighteen and are considered elderly in their sixties.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs are native to the Alpines, but they can be found nearly everywhere. They have great resistance to heat, but also profound resillience in the cold. Their skin is thick and resistant to harsh weather.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs typically eat as much as humans, if not slightly more. They tend to prefer vegetables, but can eat meat too.


Orcs are not evil by nature, nor are they good. They have a scarred reputation due to their past pact with Gloria, Goddess of Victory. For those who do not dedicate their lives to their creator, they act just as any human would.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcish social structure is built largely around respect. The wisest and most honorable of their kind is treated with the upmost respect, and their great wisdom can put them in positions of power.

Facial characteristics

Orcs have large tusks, tusks that are most likely not for eating food. Instead, they act as a display of strength and hygiene.

Average Intelligence

Orcs are just as intelligent as humans, but their problem-solving skills can be slightly skewed.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs have sharper hearing than humans, but all other sensory capabilities are identical.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Orcs have no major nations of their own, but their are large hordes of Gloria's loyalists roaming the Alpines.

Average Technological Level

Orcs have a natural aversion to the use of firearms, most likely due to their immense strength. Instead they innovate more in armor and alloy technologies.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Orcs speak common and orc.


Orcs were created by the Goddess Gloria at some point in the First Era. They were used to create great victories against any foe they saw fit, and this stuck for several thousand years. Slowly though, starting at some point after the Wild Hunt, orcs started defecting from their creator's wishes. They wanted more than just war and combat, they wanted peace and kindness too. As more continued to break free of Gloria's rule, they became a far more respected race on the world stage.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many races are quick to judge orcs based off of their past. The majority of orcs are not loyalists to Gloria, and they hold great respect for other races because of the prejudace that they themselves have experienced.
80 years
Average Height
6 ft.
Average Weight
230-280 lbs.
Average Physique
Orcs are naturally strong, bulky, and tall. It is unknown how they keep their perfect physique, but all agree that it is more of a gift than anything. Their brutish appearance causes many to assume they are less intelligent than other races, but this stereotype is false.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orcs usually have greyish or green skin, and they are often adorned with many large scars due to their easily-scarred tissue. This appears to be a natural defense mechanism to combat future injuries.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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