
Satyr are a race of performers, entertainers, merchants, and craftsmen. Whether they be from the grandiose city of Valleyhome or the magic Great Jungle, satyr will most always make delightful comrades.  

Basic Information


Satyrs are half human and half goat. The upper half of a satyr is generally the human half topped with a pair of short horns, with a goat’s lower body including hooves and a stubby tail. Their skin tends from tan to light brown, and their hair is often red or chestnut brown. They usually have scruffy patches of hair along their forearms and shoulders, though this can range from hair as fine as human body hair all the way to thick coatings of fur.

Growth Rate & Stages

Satyr reach maturity at eighteen, and are considered elderly in their seventies.

Ecology and Habitats

Satyr are native to the rolling Midland Plains, but were pushed to the northern part of the Midlands due to ever-increasing kobold raids in ancient times. Nowadays they are primarily found within Valleyhome, but many of them still live across Cineres.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Satyr are omnivores, and eat as much as humans do.


Satyr are bards by nature. They are usually gifted with great magical capabilities, and their stance on magic reflects that. They prefer performative spells like dancing lights and major illusion over destructive ones like fireball and eldritch blast.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Satyr are as intelligent as humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Satyr have the same sensory capabilities as humans.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Satyr are commonly found in both Valleyhome and the Cyraneed Empire.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Satyr primarily speak common.


Satyr have often been discriminated against in history due to their almost demon-like features. If that wasn't bad enough, kobolds forced them out of their ancestral home with constant raids and theft. Fortunately, they managed to find a beautiful grove named Valleyhome, a place where they could call home.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The only race that satyr have great distaste for are kobolds. Besides that, they are a usually accepting people.
90-100 years.
Average Height
5-6 ft.
Average Weight
150-170 lbs.
Average Physique
With the great strength of their goat legs, satyr have incredible endurance and lower body strength. They can roam for days on end without growing tired, and often use this ability to travel and explore. They can also use their great speed to ram into attackers with their mighty horns.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Satyr are usually more tan than the average human due to their constant exposure to the sunny Midlands sky.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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