

Valleyhome is a republic led by the Valley Council. They are elected by citizens of the city, and then go on to make legislation as they wish.


At the heart of Valleyhome lies a strong sense of community spirit, fostered by the city's inclusive and egalitarian ethos. The Valley Board, a council composed of representatives from each of the city's diverse communities, serves as a guiding force, ensuring that the interests of all inhabitants are represented and protected. Through open dialogue, collaboration, and mutual respect, the Valley Board promotes unity and cooperation among the city's inhabitants, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility for the well-being of Valleyhome.   Cultural Exchange: Valleyhome's secluded location has allowed for a rich exchange of ideas, traditions, and cultural practices among its inhabitants. Satyrs teach dwarves the art of music, while dwarves share their knowledge of metallurgy and craftsmanship with lizardfolk. Centaurs impart wisdom about the natural world to all who are willing to learn, while other beings bring their own unique perspectives and experiences to the table. This cross-cultural exchange not only enriches the lives of Valleyhome's inhabitants but also fosters understanding, empathy, and mutual respect across cultural boundaries.   Festivals and Celebrations: Throughout the year, Valleyhome comes alive with festivals, celebrations, and cultural events that showcase the city's diversity and vitality. From music and dance festivals organized by the satyrs to artisan fairs and craft markets hosted by the dwarves, there is always something happening in Valleyhome to celebrate the city's cultural heritage and traditions. Centaurs lead nature walks and wilderness expeditions, inviting all inhabitants to connect with the land and appreciate the beauty of the valley's natural surroundings. These festivals serve as opportunities for cultural exchange, community building, and fostering a sense of pride and belonging among Valleyhome's inhabitants.

Public Agenda

Valleyhome wishes to eventually fill their entire valley with one, united metropolis. To realize this dream, however, they must become an empire of trade and mecantilism.


The coffers of the nation are full of riches and splendor, whilst the city is filled to the brim with free housing and docks. One place that Valleyhome suffers, however, is in military might. If an invasion were to occur, they would stand no chance. There are no city walls, trained soldiers, or artillery.


The city and nation were founded in 444SE from the rising ashes of the Greenskin Extermination. Nine years later in 453, the Satyr-Dwarn Alliance was formed, a pact based upon arms trade and mutual defense. The smiths and manufacturers of Valleyhome would arm the dwarves, and in exchange, the dwarves would defend them from outside threats. Come 1326SE however, the Valleyhome economy would collapse alongside the Dwarven Empire. Despite their instability and poorly trained military, Valleyhome would join the Great Numiran War to defend Autumnia, a fellow abolitionist nation. Due to increasing casualties and the populace growing tired of bloodshed, Valleyhome would be forced to withdraw. The people of their city were united by the war, and their economy would stabilize along with secularization. Now Valleyhome is a rich merchant republic on the frontline of colonization.

Demography and Population

Valleyhome is primarily populated by satyr, minotaurs, centaurs, tieflings, and other horned species. Thri-keen, dragonborn, and lizardfolk are also a major demographic within the valley.

Technological Level

Valleyhome is quite advanced when it comes to naval technologies and firearms, but they lack in armor, agriculture, and mining.


Valleyhome is entirely secularized, meaning that the church and state have been seperated. Citizens there follow all sorts of gods, excluding the Collective of course.

Foreign Relations

Valleyhome is a mostly isolationist state, but they have entirely open trade. Ever since the collapse of the Dwarven Empire, they have had no official diplomatic ties, but they do have embassies across Cineres.

Trade & Transport

Valleyhome exclusively uses ships to travel due to their geographical positioning. Ships leave and enter from the narrow strip of coastline that isn't blocked off by treacherous mountains.

Pax, Prosperitas, Vallis

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Valleyhome uses the standord Prythwyn economic system.
Major Exports
  • Artisan goods
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Ships
  • Refined metal
  • Fish
  • Limestone
Major Imports
  • Vegetables
  • Plant-based goods
  • Livestock
  • Raw metal
  • Timber
Legislative Body
The elected members of the Valley Board write the nation's legislation at will.
Neighboring Nations


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