The Collective

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Collective is a massive core made of the bodies of mechromancers and organics alike. It beats like a heart of flesh and metal, yet it is grossly unalive. The entirety of the Hidden Forest pulses along with it. It is unclear if this is simply it processing, or if it is a result of decay.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

The Collective has no sense of morality, but it does have built-in safety regulations to prevent disasters.

Personality Characteristics


It has no arcane power but it's intelligence is so vast that it can simulate entire worlds in a matter of hours.   It is worshiped primarily by Mechros, but it accepts anyone at one cost. That when they die, they must upload their consciousness to the Collective.
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
First Era
The Hidden Forest
Current Residence
The Hidden Forest, Underground

Character Portrait image: Matthew Griffin


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