
Basic Information


Tritons are a humanoid race, notable in their many underwater adaptations that render them visually distinct from other humanoid races. Their skin is most commonly a deep-blue but have also been known to appear as pearl, light green, or in rare cases, other mutant colors. Their hands and feet are webbed, and they have minor dorsal fins that run from their mid-calf and end at their ankles. They are notably shorter than humans, averaging around five feet tall. Triton hair tends to be dark blue or dark green and is worn in the form of long, flowing "manes". Triton men typically cut their hair around five inches past their shoulders, braiding it to keep it out of their eyes. While triton women occasionally follow this rule, they have also been known to let it flow free. Triton hair does not grow within two inches of the base of their pointed ears, giving the appearance that it has been shaved there. When heading into combat, they often bind their hair into styles such as tight ponytails, so as to maintain visibility. They are also known to weave pieces of coral or metal into their hair for emergency use as bludgeons.

Growth Rate & Stages

Triton reach maturity at 18 and live until around 200.

Ecology and Habitats

Tritons originate from the golden coastlines and shallow waters of the Westpassage Archipelago. They aren't native to deeper waters, but they most certainly have the capacity to live there in the long-term.


Tritons are a very proud people, with many biases and preconceptions as a result of their way of life. Having spent centuries fleeing their lost continent from supposed great evils under the sea, they believe they are entitled to a certain amount of fealty and respect from other races, something that is rarely acknowledged due to the lack of awareness many people hold for the triton. Their isolation from the rest of the world also left them ignorant of the grand achievements of other civilizations or struggles the rest of the world had dealt with. When they are aware of such things, they consider them minor compared to the tritons' attempts to flee their extinction. Despite this, the triton are a noble and kind-hearted people who value the world and other races. Their arrogance aside, they would readily sacrifice themselves to protect others, willing to fight and die for the other races of the world. They harbor a sense of guilt over allowing their people to be expelled, and feel a need to make up for this 'failure'. The fact that their name, "triton", translates to "guardian" in their language is an example of their heroic nature.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Triton are most often found in the Westpassage Archipelago and on ships, but they also populate the rest Prythwyn's southern and cental coasts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Triton eyes typically seem to vary between brilliant shades of green or blue. If seen in standard lighting (typically within 200 feet (61 meters) of the surface of the sea or near a typical torch), their eyes appear similar to a human's. In dim lighting, their pupils expand greatly to allow for better sight in the dark, sometimes turning the entire eye black. Their eyes also possess a nictitating membrane, which protect them from sudden changes or flashes in light. All of this allows for them to have normal vision even up to depths of 1,000 ft (300 m) under the sea, though the triton are known to be able to safely swim down to 3,000 ft (910 m).

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Most tritons live under United Merchant or Island Republic jurisdiction, and the Island Republics are led by several triton politicians.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Triton speak common, as they do not have a language of their own.


Triton folklore speaks of a long forgotten continent in which they came from. They were once sailors fleeing a losing war in their lost continent, and when they landed in Prythwyn they vowed to never be forced out of their home again. It was estimated that they arrived in Prythwyn some time at the end of the First Era, and that they were not the only inhabitants of this ancient land.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Triton hold genasi, sea elves, giff, amphi, and quibbo with the highest respect. The giff are their primary ally, as they too came from the lost continent in bygone times. Races incompatible with water are typically disliked by the average triton.
200 years
Average Height
5 ft.
Average Weight
140 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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