Plants of Volta

In each section you will see a plant and it's properties and descriptions as you find them. I will make another one for Animals/creatures as well.
  DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Stat Listed for each saving throw.
  Rules for Finding Plants:
Nothing - Survival check (1-12)
Common - Survival check (13-20)
Uncommon - Survival check (21-25)
Rare - Survival check (25-30)
Ultra Rare - Survival check (31+)
    Rules for Bombs:
Each 2 units of roots makes 1 bomb. Each 1 unit of flowers makes 1 bomb, each 1 unit of leaves, berries, or mushrooms makes 2 bombs.
Each bomb can be used as an action in combat but if you want to use a bomb on the next turn you must use your bonus action to take out the bomb and light it.
  Rules for Poisons:
Each 3 units of roots makes 1 poison. Each 2 units of flowers makes 1 poison, each 1 unit of leaves, berries or mushrooms makes 1 poison.
Each vial of poison can be used three times on a weapon, such as if you take a bonus action to pour an entire vial of poison on a sword you have three hits with the added effect and yes that counts for missed hits as well. This is the same for ammo... 1 vial=3 rocks, arrows, bolts etc. But if you try to force it in the mouth of the enemy it takes 1 action to grapple then 1 action to pour it in their mouths, also this requires one whole vial. It is also 1 full vial use to place it in someone's food or drink during roleplay, it takes one application of the vial if you have someone smell it but it does not do a full effect like using the liquid itself does.
Also if you use the effect and the desired effect is more then till the end of your next turn or a round the target is able to make a save to see if they can break out of it.
  Rules for Potions:
Each 3 units of roots makes 1 potion. Each 2 units of flowers makes 1 potion, each 1 unit of leaves, berries or mushrooms makes 1 potion.
Potions can be taken as a bonus action if you are feeding them to yourself. Feeding a potion to a friend takes an action, also you can use a bonus action to hand potions off to friends.

Basic Information


Sorrowful Lust

Description: This bright pink flower is only found in Volta, it can be used for numbers of purposes but it’s main purpose is an aphrodisiac.

Unit value: 10 gp

Bomb Effect: Rare - Charming Prince - This bomb has the ability to charm those that inhale the toxic powder within it, as an action you can throw this bomb at an enemy within 15ft of you. The target must make a Wis Save based off your Wis Save. If they succeed the bomb has no effect, if they fail the target is charmed by you for a full minute.

Poison Effect: Rare - Euphoric Kiss - This poison can cause a euphoric bliss on the person that smells it, ingests it, or has it in their bloodstream. Well using this poison the target must make a Cha Save based off your Cha Save, if the target fails they are knocked prone and incapacitated staring off into blissful nothing for a full minute. If they succeed nothing happens.

Potion Effect: Rare - Beautiful Dreamer - This potion causes the drinker’s pupils to become heart shaped giving them advantage on Charisma skill checks for the next 1 hour, but it also causes them to throw caution out the window giving them disadvantage on any Wisdom skill checks.

Genetics and Reproduction

Amethyst Lotus

Description: This bright purple flower is only found in Volta, it can be used for numbers of purposes but it’s main use is to fortify defense.

Unit value: 10 gp

Bomb Effect: Rare - Shattering Gem - This bomb is crystal in appearance with an amethyst shade to it. As an action you can throw this bomb 15ft from you at a target of your choice, the target along with any other targets within a 10ft radius must make a Dex Save based off your Dex Save. If they succeed the initial target takes half damage and the others take none. Each target that fails takes 1d10 piercing damage from the shards that shatter from the bomb.

Poison Effect: Rare - Liquid Crystal - This poison can cause a crystalized shell to form around the person that ingests it or has it in their bloodstream. While using this poison the target must make a Wis Save based off your Wis Save, if the target fails they are encased in crystal and suffer the petrified condition for a full minute. If they succeed nothing happens.

Potion Effect: Rare - Amethyst Shield - This potion causes a crystal shell to make a chest plate on the drinker causing them to have a +2 to AC for the next minute. But the heavy crystal also causes the drinker to lose 5ft of movement speed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tarrynoak Leaves

Description: Some Tarrynoaks produce small red twisted leaves, usually these leaves are not found on the same Tarrynoaks that have Blood Vein.

Unit Value: 1 gp

Bomb Effect: Common - Thundering Daydream - This bomb is oddly crystal clear as if there is nothing inside of it. As an action you can throw this bomb 15ft at a target of your choosing, the target and those within a 10ft radius of the target must make a Con Save based off your Con Save. On a failure the target and those in the radius that failed are knocked prone by a concussive blast, on a save nothing happens.

Poison Effect: Common - Loud Vision - This opalescent liquid has bubbles that pop into fireworks looking displays in the bottle can cause an array of lights to burst inside the eyes if it is ingested or placed in the bloodstream. While using this poison the target must make a Con. Save based off your Con. Save or be blinded until the end of your next turn.

Potion Effect: Common - Forceful Nature - This potion can cause a person that drinks it to be able to be forceful and commanding in nature when telling others what to do, when someone drinks this potion there words they speak become forceful as if commanding those around them. Each person within 10ft of the person who speaks the words while this potion is in their system has to make a Int. Save against your Int, if they fail they must follow out the command given to them. This does not exclude friends or allies around them.

Blood Vein

Description: Some Tarrynoaks produce a red root which attaches itself to another tree sucking the nutrients from it, the locals call it Blood Vein.

Unit Value: 20 gp

Bomb Effect: Ultra Rare - Fang Drain - This bomb seems to have a reddish liquid in it with tiny little thorns floating in it which look like fangs. As an action you can throw this bomb 15ft at a target of your choosing, the target and those within 10ft radius of the target must make a Dex Save based off your Dex Save. On a failure the target is impaled with tiny thorns the red liquid seeping into the wounds, causing 1d12 piercing damage the red liquid floats off in a steam which flies into the throwers mouth healing them half the damage the bomb caused. On a success nothing happens.

Poison Effect: Ultra Rare - Bleeding Love - This poison can cause internal bleeding or massive bleeding from the wounds it already has if the target ingests it or has it in their bloodstream. While using this poison the target must make a Con Save based off of your Con Save, if the target fails it takes 1d6 bleeding damage per round per fail for a 1 minute.

Potion Effect: Ultra Rare - Life’s Blood - This potion causes the drinker to become invigorated with a healing nature, they gain 1d6 + 2 hit points. It also causes them to feel sickly, for 1 minute they will throw up anything they eat or ingest.

Ecology and Habitats

Jazsterberry Bush

Description: These small red berries grow on the colorful Jazsterberry Bush, these berries feel very heavy for their small size.

Unit Value: 2 gp

Bomb Effect: Common - Gravity Well - While the Thundering Daydream looks clear this bomb looks inky black with swirls of purple energy going through it. As an action you can throw this bomb 15ft at a target of your choosing, the target and those within a 10ft radius must make a Str Save based off your Str Save. If any of the targets fail they are pushed to the ground with the heavy weight of the world taking 1d12 force damage and the 10ft radius is now difficult terrain, If they succeed they take half damage.

Poison Effect: Common - Vice Grip - This poison can cause Intense pressure to form in all the joints of the target the ingests it or has it in their bloodstream. While using this poison the target must make a Str Save based off of your Str Save, if the target fails they start to be pull flat to the ground causing them to be prone and restrained until the end of your next turn. If they succeed nothing happens.

Potion Effect: Common - Free Floating - This potion causes the drinker to defy the will of gravity making their speed 15ft quicker for 5 minutes, as your feet are not hooked to gravity or the earth beneath them the drinker has disadvantage on all Dex Saves.

Biological Cycle


Description: A type of purple mushroom which grows in damp dark places near trees and bushes, because of the natural glow of the sky at night on volta it is not easy to find these mushrooms.

Unit Value: 5 gp

Bomb Effect: Uncommon - Kaleidoscope - This bomb is an array of colors all in stripes on it, like a colorful mess and glows. As an action you can throw this bomb 15ft at a target of your choosing, this target must make a Wis Save based off your Wis Save. If they fail a colorful array of lights dance in front of their face causing them to have the Blind condition until it is your turn again. If they succeed nothing happens.

Poison Effect: Uncommon - Complicated Thoughts - This poison can cause an array of colorful thoughts to shoot through a person's mind if it is ingested or placed in the bloodstream. While using this poison the target must make an Int. Save based off your Int. Save or be under the confused condition until the end of your next turn. If the target has an Int lower than 5 this poison has no effect on it, if the target succeeds the save nothing happens to them.

Potion Effect: Uncommon - Faerie Glow - This potion can cause anyone wielding their a melee weapon in a faerie fire like glow, on the first strike you hit on any new hostile creature they must roll a Dex. Save off your Dex this creature becomes encased in Faerie Fire till the end of it's next turn.
Geographic Distribution


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