Volta Geographic Location in Foriel | World Anvil

Volta (Vul-Tah)

  ‘As you look at the fields of Volta... you are hit with remarkable beauty instead of barren wastes. From it’s fields of red grass with brightly colored purple and pink wildflowers, such a contrast reminds one of a sky at sunrise. To the red leaved trees that grow naturally as if making sure those would have shelter even in death, even the rivers are an eerie blueish purple from the red clay that is at the bottom of them.’ - Fenise Soulwynd, Traveler of the new wilds.


      Volta is one of the new lands created in the great miracle, it is one of the larger islands that was created then. This island is largely called Blood Island as a nickname given to it for the blood red clay that grows in the soil here. Blood Island also got it’s nickname from the five clans that up until 50 years ago had feuded over the lands and such in large wars. These five clans are… The Argunes Family, The Darkbrood Tribe, The Matriarch of Her Dark Hand, The Feralbone Clan, and the Sweeping Shadows.


It is said that on Volta the world has been flipped upside down, where it is usually humans that desecrate the dead on Volta it is the plants that do so. A number of adventurers have written about the scary large trees of Volta which shamble around with the dead attached to them as if they are the food the trees live off of. Not only this but in certain areas it seems as if the plants are more of a danger then the actually beings that roam the grounds. It is also said that due to the dead whom are littered across the land due to the years of wars and infighting the land as created is on defense by bringing these dead back to life to roam about seeking to drag more with them. It is almost as if the island is creating its own army.

Ecosystem Cycles

There are two season to Volta one being spring/summer which is called the Budding Season, then their winter/fall season which is called the Ash Season in which the large mountain in the middle of the island produces large Ash falls. There are times where everything may be covered in a soft dusting of ash.  

Localized Phenomena

Ash storms especially during the ash season is something that can be of danger to a group traveling this terrain, other then that there is spots in the ground that due to the soft red clay in the ground has become like quick sand only denser making it like tar to get out of.

Fauna & Flora

On this island also due to the red clay all of the trees and the grass grow with a blood red color to their blades or leaves, the flowers here though seem to be brighter then natural flowers grown in a garden which is due to natural selection of them trying to match the bright colored leaves and grass. Thus making picking out specific flowers sometimes can be harder especially in a field of tons of brightly colored things.

Natural Resources

There are certain herbs and flowers that only grow on this island which can be a good resource but mainly it is the red clay used in pottery or concrete and such which is the main resource. Earlier they were also know as a slave trading capital but after the treaties 50 years ago they were said to have stopped such things.


About 400 years ago the land was created during the Great Miracle in which later on a number of hidden communities decided to head to there making it there home, 5 different organizations have made the island their home. The Argunes Family and the Feralbone Clan seem to be the ones that had the most malice towards each other dragging the other three factions into their frays for one reason or another. About 50 years ago though a few treaties were signed throughout the Island and they are suppose to be in an era of new life and peace.


  • Talon's Fall
  • Arcson
  • Foire Hall
  • Wraeymond
  • Drisk's Hut
  • Elonard
  • Osenrough
  • Adenridge
Alternative Name(s)
Blood Island
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Owning Organization
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Inhabiting Species

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