Iron Golem

The Iron Golem was crafted by Zar'Khan, God of War. as a weapon to challenge the might of the old gods during the Heavenly Clash. Towering like a fortress on legs, this colossal knight of iron was infused with Zar'Khan's power, its strength unrivaled and its purpose clear: to cut a path through armies, beasts, and gods alike. So great was its might that some say it could match even the strongest dragons, striking fear into the hearts of the old gods’ devotees who dared to challenge it.

Now, the Iron Golem lies dormant, resting in the open expanse of the grasslands, as immovable as a mountain. Its iron form has grown weathered over the centuries, and the grass fields nearby are normally ablaze as the iron golem is routinely struck by lightning. Many of the Stormrider Khanate's nomads regard the golem with a mix of reverence and caution, for it is both a symbol of Zar'Khan’s strength and a reminder of the destruction it once wrought. Though its joints are stilled and its helm bowed, legends persist that one day the Iron Golem will rise again, summoned by a warlord or champion deemed worthy by Zar'Khan himself. Until then, it stands as an eternal guardian of the grasslands, an iron sentinel and relic of an age when gods and giants waged their war upon the land.


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