
"Born of bark and leaf, and rooted souls"


Leshy are enchanted beings, animated by the essence of plant life, usually taking the form of small humanoid figures that retain their flora's characteristics. They embody the diverse manifestations of nature, with three common origins for their aspects.

Eryndor, God of Nature's creations imbue life and energy to all surrounding it, including the local plant life. For unknown reasons, this sometimes awakens a specific plant, now imbued with Eryndor's favor. With a fey-like demeanor, they hold a deep appreciation for the world and its myriad living beings. Eryndor's Leshy are curious explorers, often venturing beyond their home territories to experience as much life as possible. Their joyous spirits and playful nature make them beloved Kin, and it's said they bring good tidings and harvests to wherever they go. These types of Leshy are worshipped and befriended by any who follow Eryndor.

Other Leshy are not so good natured however. The Leshy born from Ythara, Goddess of the Cycle serve as guardians of her sacred places. Typically emerging from primitive plants such as fungi or vines, they are more aggressive and territorial, fiercely protecting the flora around them. Their dislike for animals and humans drives them to ensure that the plant life in Ythara's holy sites remains undisturbed. These Leshy are perceived as dark and dangerous Kin, with numerous tales of them engulfing entire villages in the depths of shadowy woods and thick vines when threatened by lumberjacks or similar intruders. They embodyithe relentless spirit of nature's ever expanding force, and it's will to bring everything into the cycle.

Ythara's Leshy protecting her grove

The final type of Leshy are not created by any God, but instead gain their consciousness from the unnatural energies of a Plane Tear nearby. Many of them are stationary, unable to walk, and they can exhibit varying levels of sapience. Some possess intelligence akin to Eryndor's creations, engaging in complex thoughts and communication, while others remain more primitive—like a moving tree incapable of forming simple words. These types of Leshy are the most diverse and, in a way, the most dangerous - as they can emerge anywhere and possess any type of personality. An elemental Leshy could just as easily become the guardian of a village as it could consume it entirely, using it as sustenance for its ever-expanding roots.


Leshy are uncommon sights, and usually only found near places where nature reigns above all - like Rootheart Isle, ShroomHollow or SaltMarsh. Whenever a Leshy appears, the initial reaction is typically fear and avoidance, until its nature can be determined. If it proves to be benevolent, it is usually left in peace or even welcomed with offerings. However, if deemed hostile, the local militia or even the Hunter's Guild might be called upon to deal with the menace.

A typical Eryndor leshy


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