Thorn Knights

The Thorn Knights are an ancient order dedicated to the protection of the Barony of Rosewood, a duty they have upheld since before the Sundering. Clad in distinctive thorned armor that mirrors the resilient flora of their homeland, they carry rose-adorned shields and don helms marked with crimson tears, symbols of their unwavering devotion and sacrifice.

Bound by a solemn pledge to their forgotten queen—whose name has faded from memory—the Thorn Knights guard the barony with fierce loyalty. Each year, they conduct a sacred ritual in search of her lost presence, sending forth a champion to roam the land. This champion embarks on a quest to uncover clues or signs of the queen's whereabouts, though the exact nature of their search remains shrouded in mystery, even to the knights themselves.

While the throne of the barony remains empty, the Thorn Knights continue to serve as stalwart protectors of their realm, their hearts and minds unwavering in their hope of reuniting with their queen. In their quest, they not only defend Rosewood against external threats but also seek to rekindle the legacy of a ruler long forgotten, ensuring that the barony remains a place of strength and resilience in a world fraught with uncertainty.



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