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The Order of the Silver Sun


The hierarchy within the Order of the Silver Sun is structured to ensure efficient operation and clear delineation of roles and responsibilities. Members progress through ranks based on experience, skill, and dedication. This progression ensures that only the most capable and committed individuals ascend to positions of greater responsibility.

Ranks and Roles


The newest members of the Order, often individuals who have shown promise and a desire to fight against the darkness.
  • Experience Level: 0-3 months.
  • Responsibilities: Basic training in combat, survival, and the core tenets of the Order. They are closely monitored and mentored by experienced members.
  • Duties: Learning the ropes, assisting in simple tasks, and undergoing rigorous physical and mental conditioning.


After proving their dedication and completing preliminary training, Recruits become Initiates. After roughly a year of experience in the field and additional training an Initiate can specialise to become either a Hunter or an Inquisitor.
  • Experience Level: 3-12 months.
  • Responsibilities: Initiates take the sacred oath and join a squad, beginning their journey as active members of the Order.
  • Duties: Participate in missions under the guidance of experienced Hunters, learning advanced techniques and tactics.



Researchers and investigators, Inquisitors delve into the arcane and forbidden knowledge to better understand and combat the Order's enemies. Inquisitors often go on to specialize as Sages or Excorsists depending on their fields of interest.
  • Experience Level: 1-3 years.
  • Responsibilities: Gathering intelligence, conducting research, and supporting field operations with their specialized knowledge.
  • Duties: Research, investigation, and providing insights into supernatural threats.


The backbone of the Order, Hunters are full-fledged members who have shown competence and reliability in the field. Hunters often advance to become Swords or Blood Hunters depending on their experiences in the field and focus on training.
  • Experience Level: 1-3 years.
  • Responsibilities: Conducting missions, protecting the innocent, and combating undead and dark forces.
  • Duties: Field operations, reconnaissance, and providing mentorship to Initiates and Recruits.



  After years of service and training within the Order, members can choose to specialize into a particular field. These specialists play a pivotal role in maintaining the Order acting as senior members, mentors and elite operatives.


Warriors (Blades)

Specialized melee combatants, Blades are experts in close-quarters combat.  
  • Experience Level: 3-5 years, with an aptitude for combat and the martial arts.
  • Responsibilities: Leading charges, engaging in direct combat with powerful adversaries, and training other members in melee techniques.
  • Duties: Frontline fighters, bodyguards for higher-ranking members, and trainers for combat skills.


Rangers (Bows)

Ranged combat specialists, Rangers are skilled in archery and other forms of long-distance attacks.
  • Experience Level: 3-5 years, with an aptitude for survival and the art of archery.
  • Responsibilities: Providing ranged support, scouting, and tracking enemies.
  • Duties: Long-range combat, reconnaissance, and ambush tactics.

Sages (Scholars)

Specialists in arcane knowledge and ancient texts, Sages (or Scholars) provide critical intelligence and magical support.
  • Experience Level: 3-5 years, with an aptitude for knowledge and the arcane arts.
  • Responsibilities: Researching and deciphering ancient texts, developing strategies based on historical knowledge, and providing magical assistance in the field.
  • Duties: Arcane research, field support with spells and rituals, and advising on supernatural matters.

Exorcists (Priests)

Experts in dealing with supernatural entities and cleansing corrupted areas, Exorcists are vital for purging the influence of dark forces.
  • Experience Level: 3-5 years, with an aptitude for religion and the divine arts.
  • Responsibilities: Conducting exorcisms, sanctifying areas, and providing spiritual guidance to the Order.
  • Duties: Performing rituals, cleansing haunted locations, and assisting in missions involving heavy supernatural presence.

Blood Hunters

A secretive and elite sect within the Order, Blood Hunters are trained to harness the abilities of their enemies to gain an upper hand.  Blood Hunters often have experience as both Inquisitors and Hunters, specializing in multiple fields before even starting to train as a Blood Hunter.
  • Experience Level: 5+ years, with specialized training.
  • Responsibilities: Tracking rogue members and high-value targets, using enhanced abilities to combat the undead, and undertaking the most dangerous missions.
  • Duties: Elite strike teams, covert operations, and internal security.


  Those that manage and maintain the Order, the ones that issue tasks and missions overseeing the Loges and Cabins.  The leadership in the Order are all highly experienced and proven trustworthy veterans.  Each Cabin houses at least one Huntmaster, where as each Lodge can house multiple Huntmasters, typically a High Inquisitor and a Grand Huntmaster take on a joint leadership.



Veterans of countless battles, Huntmasters oversee operations at Cabins, guiding and commanding squads of Hunters.
  • Experience Level: 7+ years.
  • Responsibilities: Managing a Cabin, coordinating missions, and ensuring the welfare and training of all members under their command.
  • Duties: Leadership, strategic planning, and direct involvement in critical missions.

Grand Huntmaster

The highest rank attainable, Grand Huntmasters oversee entire regions, commanding a central Lodge and the Huntmasters that oversee the Cabins within the region.
  • Experience Level: 10+ years, with exceptional leadership and combat skills.
  • Responsibilities: Strategic oversight of the Order's operations, coordinating with the mysterious leader, and making high-level decisions.
  • Duties: Regional leadership, policy-making, and representing the Order in political and strategic matters.


The culture of the Order of the Silver Sun is one of unwavering resolve, secrecy, and a deep sense of duty. Members of the Order perceive the world as a battleground between light and darkness, where their role is to stand as the last bastion against the encroaching night. They uphold a strict code of honor, loyalty, and camaraderie, fostering a brotherhood among hunters. Their customs include rigorous training, ritualistic ceremonies, and a tradition of passing down knowledge through generations.

Core Beliefs:

Duty and Sacrifice:

Members of the Order hold an unwavering belief in their duty to protect the innocent and are prepared to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. This belief is instilled from the earliest stages of training and reinforced through rituals and ceremonies.

Secrecy and Stealth:

Maintaining the secrecy of their operations and locations is crucial. The Order's success depends on their ability to operate undetected by their enemies. Members are trained in espionage, disguise, and covert operations.

Unity and Brotherhood:

The bond between members is sacred. The Order emphasizes mutual trust and support, fostering a brotherhood where every member is expected to protect and aid their comrades.

Respect for Knowledge:

The Order values knowledge, both ancient and contemporary. While some members are deeply influenced by the teachings of the Old Gods, there is a broader respect for all forms of knowledge, particularly those that can aid in their mission.

Public Agenda

The Order of the Silver Sun's primary goal is the eradication of undead, monstrosities, and aberrations, with a particular focus on the oppressive vampire lords. They strive to be a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness, offering protection and deliverance to those plagued by evil. Goals and Motivation:  

Protection of the Innocent:

The Order's primary goal is to safeguard those who cannot defend themselves. They offer sanctuary, aid, and protection to those threatened by the darkness.

Eradication of Darkness:

Their relentless pursuit of vampires, undead, and other dark entities is driven by the desire to cleanse the world of these malevolent forces. They believe in taking the fight to the enemy, striking before the darkness can spread.

Restoration of Balance:

The Order seeks to restore balance and peace to the land, believing that their actions can bring about a better, safer world. They aim to create a world where the innocent can live without fear.

Inspiration and Hope:

By standing firm against despair, the Order aims to inspire others to resist the darkness and join the fight for a brighter future. They see themselves as beacons of hope, shining a light in the darkest of times.


The Order of the Silver Sun traces its roots back to a time when the Old Gods were revered and their teachings were followed closely. Founded by a group of warriors and scholars who believed in the old ways, the Order was created to combat the rising threat of undead and other dark forces. Over time, the Order evolved, adapting its methods and expanding its focus to include the eradication of monstrosities and aberrations, with a particular emphasis on vampire lords.


Significant Events:

Founding Era:

The initial formation of the Order, heavily influenced by the teachings of the Old Gods, focusing on exorcisms, ancient rites, and the eradication of undead.

Expansion Period:

As the threat of darkness grew, the Order expanded its influence, establishing Cabins and Lodges across various regions. This period saw the development of specialized roles and the formalization of the hierarchy.

Modern Era:

In response to new and evolving threats, the Order has refined its tactics and strategies. While still rooted in its ancient traditions, the Order now employs a pragmatic approach to combatting evil in all its forms. The focus remains on protecting the innocent and eradicating the darkness, with a particular emphasis on combating the oppressive vampire lords.
Alternative Names
The Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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