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Nations of Forsia

Astaronian Nations   The following are the primary nations of the civilized races. I will write more on the smaller states when necessary. Orcs and goblins and other savage people are not listed as their organization is utterly inchoerent and overly complex; and, thus, unworthy of study. Large parts of Astaron and the other continents have been unexplored since the fall of the Scillian Empire. For example, the eastern coast of Astaron is heavily forested or jungled depending on the latitude and few have ventured into it. In addition, the areas south of Al Easif (the Lost Hills and Scattered Sea Coast) remain largely devoid of magic and filled with the ruins of cities destroyed or abandoned since the fall of the Scillian Empire.     Al Easif   Al Easif is a dark elven desert meritocracy located in central Astaron. A counsel of seven sphinxes determines who is worthiest to govern every seven years, including the Caliph. It is also the only realm in which dark elves are the majority and rule the land. Dragonkind (Dragonborn and Kobolds) are also very prominent. Although Easifite Dragonborn serve at all levels of government and society, they are prominent in the military, especially Al Easif's dinosaur cavalry. Aaracokra, elves, humans, and dwarves also have notable populations in Al Easif. The worship of Aboleth is the dominant religion. However, many in Al Easif are also devoted to the deities associated with mysticism and pleasure. Magic use is unfettered in Al Easif and magic wielders are highly valued and honored. Technology is highly regulated, especially firearms which are restricted only to the mili=tary. Zephyr, the capital city is the largest city, and is famous for the Fleeting Falls which dramatically plummet into the abyss outside its gates. However, Rudra, the ancient homeland of dark elves; Arzarabb, famous for its groves of fire cedars; and the Sandispire, the Caliph's academy for magic and martial studies.   The Common Estates   The Common Estates is a confederation of small elven, halfling, and gnomish Republics (AKA estates). The confederation meets annually, and in emergencies on an ad-hoc basis. All collective decisions are made at the Estates' Table at which each estate representative has an equal voice and vote in all decisions. Otherwise, each estate is independent and self-governing. All of the estates are primarily agrarian with, at most, two prominent cities. While the majority of the estates population are elven, halfing, or gnome, a few human barbarian tribes roam the Golden Plain. Magic and technology are valued from a utilitarian perspective solely. If neither can be applied to work, they are seen as frivolous. Lakedale, where the Estates' Table meets, is the most prominent city. It also is popular with those seeking the curative waters of the Mace. Riverbend and Okaga are major trading centers, and the university at Silverywood is the academic home of all diviners, and those wishing to master evocation magic, or to become an arcane gunslinger seek the masters of the Forgespire. Half-orc communities are scattered across the extreme southern part of the Common Estate's territory.     Kingdom of Ahbkazia   The Kings of Ahbkazia have ruled over the Eladrin Elves for...   Magebane   Magebane is a human quasi-theocratic city-state located in southwestern Astaron. It is ruled by the Emperical Conclave whose is headed by the Mother Scienta. Her edicts are executed by the bureaucratic Association of Beneficience, and enforced by her inquisitors. Magic and worship of the gods are banned, as are magic wielders and clergy, save its own. The Empirical Conclave claims to be the most technologically advanced nation based, it seems, on the fact that it is the only remaining descendant state of the fallen Scilian Empire. The truth, is that the Mother Sciente (the plural Mother Scienta) have ensured that their capital, Magebane, is the technological marvel of Forsia. However, outside the capital and a few large cities, the rest of its territory is neglected and largely devoid of what citizens of the Scilian Empire would have taken for granted almost 800 years ago. Magebane, its capital, is also its most populous and wealthy city. Emerald Keep is the most powerful of the elven nation of Forsia. With the exception of its small northern neighbor, WhitJarl, Emerald Keep controls all of Astaron west of the Cloudcutter Mountains. Emerald Keep is a constitutional triumvirate in which executive power is divided between the Protectress, Prime Ranger, and Prime Druid. Each of these represents the noble, martial, and druidic factions of Emerald Keep. A legislature, the Legismeet meets every third year. Its population is primarily composed of high and wood elves, as well as gnomes. However, halflings are relatively common and small pockets of humans, half-elves, and half-orcs are scattered throughout parts of the realm. As with all elven nations, it is a relatively new state having arisen after the return of elves to Forsia around 675 years ago. As with all but the most corrupted of Elven kingdoms, its rulers are devoted to maintaining a stance that mildly prefers wilderness over civilization, and magic over technology. Emerald Guard is its capital and is famous for its integration both in its natural landscape and its use of the ruins of the Scillian city that once stood at its location. Eurach is the largest city and the commercial capital.   The Forged Alliance   The Forged Alliance is a loose collective of dwarven holds scattered across the north of Astaron, mainly along the Great Glacier. Other than Cloudsmeet, all other remnants of surviving dwarves have retreated into near complete isolation. Little is known about the dwarves and how they govern their alliance or their individual holds. Few non-dwarves know of the exact location of these settlements and few travelers to these holds find it to be a fruitful endeavor. Dwarves very rarely allow other races to settle in their communities, and are highly suspicious of visitors permitting only the briefest of sojurns. The little we do know is from the dwarves of Cloudsmeet, the southernmost Dwarven hold that serves as both embassy and trading post to the rest of Forsia. Because of their ancestors’ greed, there are few places left to mine and those at Cloudsmeet eagerly trade for scrap metal and technology to augment their mining activities Magic use is rarer as dwarves are least likely to be capable of wielding magic. Cloudmeet is the most prominent hold, but it is said that Meltforge is the largest hold by far.   The Scoundrels' State   Is the Scoundrels' State REALLY a state? I am unsure. Regardless of its classification, the Scoundrels' State is a potent force even for its lack of organization. The four cities that are the Scoundrels' state surely live up to their motto and raison d'etre: “the ends do not justify the means, and neither does the law” For all scoundrels in this state are free to use unscrupulous (but not evil) means to achieve their ends. Then again, what more could you expect of Minotaurs? Yes, basic law is enforced and crimes that even Minotaurs find reprehensible, such as murder, rape, blatant theft (to name a few), are outlawed. There is one punishment: banishment to the Sealord's labyrinth. Its terse law is silent on matters related to magic or technology for its sealords are devoted to the promotion of the black markets (are they still black if its all out in the open?) and all forms of Minoan "commerce." Each city is ruled by its own sealord, a title given regardless of gender, which could be more truthfully translated as Pirate-Prince. All four answer to the Governor-Lord, whose primary function is to be a tie breaker when the four sealords cannot agree or veto foolish decisions made by the totality or majority. Every decade, the five most able captains are chosen to be the ruling sealords. The eldest sealord is chosen as Governor-Lord, a position held until death or resignation. Sealords do not interfere in the internal affairs of the others, except when a colleague's governance undermines the collective interest. Internally, they ally with their colleagues when it suits them, but always cooperate when it comes to external issues. Their navies individually are potent and fearsome when combined. Daggersweep is the seat of the Governor-General and also the primary temple of Salidir, the God of storms and seas, while Hubris is the largest port city. Bootlegger and Shatterend are the seats of the lesser sealords.   Sommeland   Sommenland is the home of the haughty High Elves....   Whitjarl   Whitjarl is barely worth mentioning as it largely exists due to the merciful kindness of Emerald Keep. It is a human kingdom, headed by a Jarl and his feudal lords. It is a frigid land of little note and value filled with ice, mountains, barbarians, and other cold and awful things. The common saying attributed to its people, "Summer sun weakens us not" is very true for the Jarl's armies are known for their ferocity. Perhaps that might be a factor in the Emerald elves decision to leave WhitJarl undisturbed? Winterstar is its "capital", and Iceberg Quarry, the other notable settlement, is nothing more than a glorified hovel of whalers, fishermen, lumberjacks, and whores. Firearms are welcomed, and magic users are viewed with superstitious wariness, but they are not prohibited.   Other States of Note Elsewhere in Forsia   The Benevolent Guild   The Benevolent Guild is the only notable Arsqonian state. It is a commonwealth of independent merchant states of varying degrees of power and wealth devoted to the promotion of trade. However, unlike the Scoundrel's State, these cities engage in lawful commerce. The major cities are primarily in Arsqon (Portguard, Tradersport, and Seahorn) but include Astaronian outposts, such as Tradewind.   Illithite City-States   The city-states of Illithia are so entombed in myth and rumor and propaganda that it is difficult to tell what is true, especially having never traveled there to see with my own eyes what is true and what is perfumed dragonscat. There is little the sources agree on, except that Doomswatch and Undergate exist. I question whether these cities were given their names to deter inquisitive tourists and conquering invaders alike. This seems more likely than the tales of undead rulers subsisting off those the rule. Necromancers also make no secret that there masters teach at the Bleakspire, which they report stands atop the Exalted Mesa on the edge of the Shambling Desert, and that is the only fact to be verified.

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