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Combat arts based on elements

These are something everybody can use but unlike Auras this is not based of of how you feel but how hard you train and master them. your aura can be paired with them to make them stronger.  
Wind   Wind is a simple breathing technique. you take in as much air as possible and use it as your strength. with more training you can cause short, minor hurricanes just by breathing out and pull things in by breathing in masses of air. Masters can learn to direct the air around them  
Fire   everybody can feel hot but those who really ramp it up can harness the power of flame. this is one of the ones that can in some way be connected to emotions. being angry generates heat and if you pair that with an aura of rage then you have a powerhouse of fire. being a Believer of Sol and using the @sol will also help with this technique as the heat it generates will become an asset instead of something that drags you down.  
Earth   Those the most grounded and connected to the earth they live on can use its power, big or small. You can summon large amounts of strength from the earth and move mountains with a single step and roaring winds with a punch.  
Water   water is a power of calm and rage. when in water and you if match its flow then you can control its flow. you can turn calm waters into crashing waves and you can bring crashing waves to a halt all in an instant. if you are a Believer of Luna that will help with this.  
Lightning   You can generate and direct massive amounts of static electricity and with an Aura of joy you can move around at insane speeds.
Ice/Cold   this is a weird one as it is the exact opposite of fire where you try to generate and release all the heat in your body.   with this you have to try to take all of the heat from the surrounding area and into yourself so those who master this can also master fire to a weird but greater degree as they not only use their own body heat but the surrounding area as well.


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