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Divine Wolf

The divine wolf is a very strong beast. It is capable of killing hundreds in a matter of seconds. and out on the field it is called the party ender.   When the wolf stands or sits still it looks like a statue and when it moves it moves so smothly it can sometimes look like it gliding across the land

Basic Information


It looks like a wolf but it also looks like it made of metal.


Every time one of these thinngs is spotted there is death involved

Civilization and Culture


This is a very Rare creature considered legendary as it is deadly. Out on the field it is considerd the party ender as any who meet it are sure to die.   One report of a party who encountered the the thing say that they reported seeing a statue of a wolf in the middle of nowhere. Then it started to move. at first it did not seem like a threat. then in the next moment it was gone. Only two out of about 16 members in that party survived what ever that thing did. When they got a look at the bodies. The thing tore through their Exo suits and ripped up their bodies. All in an instant. it was at that point deemed a threat that should be avoided at all costs.   Their is still research going on about what it is and why it did what it did.
Conservation Status
Avoid at all costs
Discovered by


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