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Exo suit

a military grade suit used by the police force and the field unit.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

BASE it has a healing fluid that activates on injury. self repairing material. advanced night vision(just brightens up vision), heat vision, and x - ray vision. you can also get a status of a living creature. they can shift to another dimension to avoid attack and still move. can ping areas and people.   VARIATIONS Different types have different abilities but same base
  • Healer - lighter build, they are able to heal others even after fluid has run out
  • Tank - heavier build and able to make energy shields and take tons of damage
  • Stealth - light weight cloth build and reduces sound around user.
  • Damage - balance between tank and stealth. High damage output.

Omni Mods

  Omni mods are mods that add on to the capabilitys of any suit. there are not very many but the few that there are help a whole lot.  

Void Zone travel.

  void zones are dagerous but with the help of the exo suit you can traverse them. and even exsploit the fact that all void zones are connected to dramaticly speed up travel between long distances such as other planets.( exo suits are the only way a mortal can survive in the void zone excluding Scott who got special treatment)


Umbra was experimenting with sending things to other dimensions and made a suit he could mod it onto. he made it to where they could be mass produced. its main use is to protect field workers as they combat the monsters and as a offensive tool. the police use them to avoid injury and increase capability.
Item type


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