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Scott (a.k.a. Captain)

Scott is an 80 year old fisher cat Scott had a wife he would sail and fish with. he feels at peace out at sea. as age got to them his wife died he was left on his own.   by the time he reached 80 years old he met Umbra at a shore. a young Umbra asked Scott if he could ride his boat across the sea. This is how they found the underwater lab. Umbra had Scott wait for him as he dived into the ocean and pulled the island up.   they spent some time at the island then started sailing back to the mainland.   they would go back and forth to this island. Scott was having fun.   Umbra started to like Scott so he asked him if he wanted to be young again.   Scott Hesitated thinking about his wife but in the end said yes. Umbra turned Scott back to 20 years old but is still considered 80 years old by Umbra.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a black Leather trench coat and black boots he turned both his and his wife's engagement rings into ear rings he wears on his left ear right next to each other.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scott Had humble beggining unlike his life now   Scott lived with his parents and his baby sister out by the sea in a minor port town. they lived right by the dock. He would go out to sea with his dad, a strangly buff cat everyday to fish and bring back food for the family and sell some for money. As he got older around 16 he would go out by himself to fish both for his family and to just relax. One day as he was getting ready to set out a feline girl ran up to him and asked him if she could go with him. she seemed in a hurry so he hurried up and set out with her. For a while she kept looking back at the shore. Scott was curious as to why but continued to fish. They were out there for about five hours before a word was spoken. The girl was bored and started asking Scott how to fish. Scott Was in a daze before she said something. He did not really know how to respond so he just have her the pole and said wait. Scott went to sleep.   Moments later he was awoken By the girl yelling. She had Got a fish to bite but did not know how to reel it in. Scott quickly Grabed the pole and reeled the fish in. It was a huge fish, way bigger than ussual. Scott told her this. She was happy and Scott was too. As they headed back The girl looked depressed. Scott noticed this and decided to ask why. She said she did not want to talk about it. When they got to shore They docked the boat and Scott told the girl he would like to go out to sea with her again.   She just smiled and waved then walked away.   The next day Scott went out to sea like he always does. When went back home when he walked through the door he saw that his dad was talking to a man at the table. As he walked further in he saw the girl that he was with the day before. She still looked sad. Scott kind of pieced it together what was happening and that it was her father. Turns out she had run away from home and when she had gotten to Scott her dad was chasing her and thats also why she was looking back to shore, to see if he was there. When they got back that day she decided to go back home and one thing led to another that led them to scotts house.   The conversation scotts and the girls dad was of no importace, them just getting to know each other. When the girl and her dad left Scott overheard them arguing about the situation. Scott went outside to see that the girl was trying to pull away from her dad. Scott did not really know what to do but he decided he was going to help the girl. He got her away from her dad and asked what was happening. She was going on about how she did not want to go home and the dad was just yelling about how she has nowhere else to go.   The father started to walk up to them and stoped in front of them. The father kicked the girl and was sent flying into the water by the dock.   The father started yelling about how if she wanted to leave then leave and that he better not see her again.   Scott was stuned and really at a loss as to what just happened. The father started walking away and scott had regained himself. He went to check on the girl and she was nowhere to be seen. He jumped into the water and looked under and seen that she was sinking like a rock. he took a deep breath dived down after her and by the time he got to her, he was nearly out of air. he tried to swim up with her and was almost to the top when he ran out. He was losing consciousness and the energy to even try anymore. Then thats when a big hand came through the surface a grabed him by the back of his shirt and quickly pulled him out.   When he got sight of who it was he saw his father. He took a really deep breath and then passed out. when he woke up he was in his room. he got out of bed to go into the living room.   He saw his whole family including the girl. his dad was sitting reading the news paper while his mother prepared a meal. the girls were watching. Scott sat down at the table and asked what was going on.   His father responded staying that the girl would be staying with them. Scott asked about her father. His dad responded saying that he was arested and that he was abusing her. His mother chimed in saying that the meal was ready and not to worry about anything since its all be handled.   Scott decided to listen to his mom and not worry about it so he ate his food and decided to head out to sea to fish. As he was heading out his Dad asked him if he was ok to go out. Scott felt fine so he said yea and headed out to the dock.   As he was preparing to set out Someone called his name. It was the girl, she was asking to go with him. They both went out to sea together and were more chaty than last time telling each other stories and meaningless conversations.   They started to go out to sea more often and did this for about three years before Scott turned 18. Scott decided to buy a bigger boat because he wanted to sail out further than he ever has. The girl wanted to come but Scott told her that he wanted to go it alone and that he would be back in a few months. As Scott set out His sister started to cry and his parents yelling telling him to be safe.   Scott spent his time out there fishing and selling in other lands. he met new people and learned new things . He even made a good sum of money and before he knew it he was gone for a little more than two years. When he relised this he rushed back home. it took him a while to get back. By the time he made it back he was 21 years old. He walked up to his home and knocked on the door. His father opened the door to his son looking more grown up. His father hugged him and called the others. They all hugged him welcoming him back. He was happy but still apoligizing for taking so long. but the last thing he expected was the kiss he got from the girl. she was 20 and looked a whole lot more like a woman than before he left.   He was stuned and didnt know what to do so he just hugged her. he later found out that his family put her up to it.   Scott went through the motions of life with them Telling stories about what he did and what he learned while he was away. He spoiled his little sister who is now 16 and continued to go fishing with the girl now woman(20 now). They spent alot of time together and had alot of fun for about ten years.   So when Scott was about 30 years old He and the woman decided to go where scott had went. They did much of the same Scott did when he was out there but had a lot more fun going to festivals and hanging out looking at the stars. having fun, they were out there for about five years before they had to head back.   When they docked their boat they were met by Scotts father and sister who had just happened to be out there. When they steped of the boat his sisters jaw dropped and his Father was yelling for his wife to come outside.   She steped outside and paused. Scott had a bady in his arms. His mother moved faster than he had ever seen her move and asked to hold the bady. Scotts father and mother were happy with the fact that they could say they were grandparents now.   With them now having a child they not only came back to raise their child in their home town but to get married. They had a quiet cerimony with just a few other family members. They got their golden rings with the others name enscribed on it.   They setteled down and lived in the house with his mother and father, They led simple lives at this point They raised their child and had their ups and down the biggest down being the death of Scotts parents of old age. They got past it but it Scott kept saying it felt odd without their presence here as they had always been their since before he could remember. He decided to give the house to his sister because he did not want to lose it but he and the woman were going to find a new house on the dock.   by the time their child was 18 he did the same his father did and set out to sea, about five years later he came back with a girl and a young child of about 3 years of age.   Scott is about 53 now and happy his child is back but wonders why he did not come back sooner to show us the girl or so they could meet the child sooner. He said that some things had come up and delayed him. Scott really did not care nonetheless he was happy his child was back and he could even say he and his wife were grandparents.   Scotts child stayed for a few years before he set off again with his child and now wife. They have not been heard of since. Scott and his wife continued to go out to fish just enjoying each others presence. By the time Scotts wife was 72 she died of old age. Scott Wore her ring as an earing and later wore his own the same.   Scott went out to sea like he always does. but he started staying out longer because being at home brought back to many memories to the point that the good ones started to hurt and he did not want to curoupt those memories. about a week later scott decided to leave his home town and just sail in a random direction. he would stop at random islands to rest and sell fish at others. By the time he was 80 years old he heard somebody calling his name from the shore of a nearby island.It was some black furred wolf kid.



Adopted Grandfather (Important)

Towards Umbra




Adopted Grandchild (Important)

Towards Scott




When Umbra and Scott first met they had alot of fun together. At some point in time they non-verbally agreed to be grand father and child.   Umbra now sometimes refers to scott as grandpa. it confuses some people as they are of a different species.

Nicknames & Petnames

Umbra calls Scott old man sometimes  Scott Calls Umbra Kid sometimes.

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey fur


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Sep 14, 2023 21:04

Interesting story. I'd like to be able to read a more detailed version sometime in the future. That could be cool.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Sep 15, 2023 13:32

im not really good at writing but i could try

Sep 15, 2023 18:10

I wasn't very good starting out either. No one was. I'm still not all that great. How we all got better is we do the thing we love. Every one of us are here because we love writing. I have no doubt that one day, with practice, your stories will be great.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 3, 2023 21:25

I love the new details. It really helps shed some light on the gaps. Honestly, in a world where wholesome stories worth reading, or watching are in short supply, this brightened my day.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 4, 2023 05:49

Thank you. I havent really tried like this in a while. Im really happy somebody likes it.