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Garsh is a very strong Human that went to Umbra to get a strong sword forged after he heard rumors that he could make one that would not break after a few swings.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

he is very buff.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Garsh from a very young age was always considered strong even among the adults. and you would see a common situation where he would get bullied and called a monster. By the time he turned 18 he was feared but respected by the people in the small village in the plains he lived in and was considered a guardian. The ones who bullied him started training to try to best him now that strength was something they wanted to obtain. They joke with him sometimes about how strong he is.   One day while the village was going through their peaceful day people were complaining about others either being to loud or too quiet during conversations. by night fall the village was attacked by a strange beast. it was a Hush. Garsh grabed the huge heavy sword forged just for him. He swung it with ease at the Hush and killed it with one hit. There were no casualties but the after math was a monster cleaved in two, a minor ravine and a broken sword.   Garsh Found joy in killing the monster. He decided that day that thats what he would do from now on. He soon after left the village and got paid to kill them. but any money he earned was spent on getting a new sword. Over time he heard rumors of City and the people who run it and evetually caught wind of Umbra. He heard that he makes Unbreakable weapons for the field workers and that he makes them on commision too. He made a trip to the Diamond kingdom and was mostly suprised at the people and how many there were. He took a boat across the the sea and to a small island. He thought it was weired because the island had diffrent seasons for each area   he walked across the barrier from the summer reigion he arrived in to the tundra reigion. He saw a house and knocked on the door. And Umbra opened the door and asked him what he wanted.   Garsh explained his sword situation to him. Umbra took him to the summer reigion and gave him a basic sword and told him to swing it.   Garsh swung the sword creating a massive ravine. The sword was broken. Umbra was not impressed. Umbra summoned another sword same as the one he gave Garsh and repaired the landscape. He swung the sword. Nothing happened. Garsh confused just lookd at Umbra. Moments later there was a crashing in the distance. Garsh turned around to see that the mountain was cut in half. It did not take him long to understand that it was not a matter of strenth but skill. Umbra Explained that althought the quality of a blade matters, so does the user.(something he got from his master who taught him the Dragon arts) He asked Garsh if he would rather have a stronger sword or refine his skill. Garsh couldent really bother with training so he asked for a better sword.   Umbra understood and invited him into his house. There were a bunch of kids running around and his wife watching them. They went down into an area under the house that resembled a patio. Umbra Sat Garsh down and started asking him questions about what he wanted his sword to be like. Garsh took out his old broken sword he got when he was young and asked Umbra if he could fix it. Umbra took the blade, repaired it and increased its durability.   They went back to the summer reagion and did the same test a few times over. The blade did not break any of the times he swung it. Garsh was thankful to Umbra. Umbra Thanked Garsh for staving off his boredom for the day. They parted ways. Garsh Went off to fight monsters and made a name for himself. He made lots of money and became known as the strongest Human in the world by the time he hit the age of 35.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Strongest Human
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7,4 ft


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Jan 29, 2024 17:34

i typed guts into a ai image generator. thats why he has guts hair style