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This creature is the form it takes after it eats an organism. The rest of its body grows from its waist and replaces what would be the head of the organism it ate. It will also be many times bigger. (Think of a centaur)   the upper body will also take on features from the organism such as its skin or eyes or anything that helped it survive.   if it eats any thing bipedal it will just take its form   they are extremely hard to kill.

Basic Information


it takes on a centaur shape of whatever it eats unless its bipedal, then it just takes on its shape   its stomach is usually the one thing that never gets touched during transformation.

Genetics and Reproduction

they store blood in their upper bodies witch will give their bodies a red color rather than white. this means they can produce at least two larva

Growth Rate & Stages

morphoid larva are defenseless at birth but if it even eats something as small as an ant it will start to transform in an instant. it will take the form of the human or bipedal creature it kills   if it takes in a lot of blood it can give birth but it is also much stronger


This monster will toy with its prey before it kills and eats it. if its prey is of higher intelligence. will try to find out as much as it can about you and the ones you love.    if they can kill and eat you while being entertained at the same time they will.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They are born with the intelligence to speak.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

depends on what it ate.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

They can choose whatever gender they want

Common Myths and Legends

In one Case it found out that this man had a loved one. it found and killed her. It took her head and showed it to the man. The man went Mad then depressed. he was killed shortly after.
Genetic Descendants
120 years
Conservation Status
this species is marked for Death
Discovered by


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Sep 15, 2023 22:49

Nightmare fuel. This thing could cause real problems for the protagonist of any story. Especially so if in a horror story.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Sep 18, 2023 14:06

it was something i dreamed of in a nightmare then i just decided to make it a thing. same thing with the short story at the end as it was part of the nightmare.   its more like the thing dropped her head in front of him after he opened trapped chest and he kind of went into a panic attack. then a spider morphoid came from out of the darkness from above. kinda like mommy long legs.

Oct 13, 2023 13:28 by Romaine Ruddy

This is disgustingly beautiful, like a mythologicaly accurate Loki.

Oct 13, 2023 13:48

thank you