BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

random abilities and concepts

Umbras black hole orb ability when you think of the six paths or zenyatta they have orbs surrounding them. Umbra has orbs too but they are small containing black holes and when they are used there is a big burst of energy in a direction.
blade backpack + world concept this came to me in a dream. there is a backpack with blades on the sides. you would push a button on the bottom and the blades(can be custom) would fall down attached to wire. then you would press another button on the bottom and bring the blades back to the side.(bassicaly odm gear from attack on titan but different)  

Dev Pause Menu This is something only gods like umbra can use. It looks like a semi-opaque glass. there are options to choose from that are in black text. Things such as being able to copy somebody or reset something are options to choose from. also can act as an inventory with infinite space. you could store an island or even an entire planet.
Space isolation This is a spell that will isolate an area. areas outside of the AOE will seem as if they lead into a void and the area inside will also seem darker. nothing can get in or out until it is called off. to someone who saw the activation of the spell it will seem like the person or people vanised
Legendary dragon tribe One day while umbra decided to travel around he met some dragons. They let him stay in their village and treated him as their own. They wanted to live in seclusion away from the rest of the world to live out peaceful lives.
Silence One of umbras first abilities. it removes the air in an area and makes it to where sound cannot travel. This for some reason helps him focus.
Trauma demon Even though they are called trauma demons they actually help those who have PTSD and depression. they will latch on to you and feed on these things until you forget/they are gone. If you tame them you can order them to extract emotions and feelings as thread in their respective colors. refer to Omni powers above. this thread can be used by others usually in the form of charms to feel the same emotion.   They come from another realm and survive in other realms off of the things they do. if they cant find a host or be tamed they will go back to their realm. Otherwise they die.
Demons of bedtime There are 4 of these demons 1. Blue is a demon that checks if you are asleep after a certain time. 2. Grey is the one who chases in a frenzy but gets tired real easy. 3. red is strong and gives chase but is slow. 4. pink is spider like and is shy. watch your back, they dont like to be seen.
Wall of blades I had a dream where i was in this weird desert with some kind of fall out town. after a while this wall of blades started coming my way and the only thing protecting me was the suit i had on as i bounced around the blades.
Reverse mortality you know how you have to die at some some point. this is that when you die. at some point you will have to live again.  
Deux ex machina ability   this is one of umbras abilities. when activated impossible things can happen to get him or somebody else out of a situation. basicaly a cheat ability.
tip the scales ability   this ability is a power that can take or give somebodies power depeding on how it is used. you can take and give things like strenth, vitality, agility, luck, and perception.
Hollow When any creature dies there is a chance that the inside rots but the outside stays intact. the skin will start to move and try to live like it did when it was alive.
huge fish   there is this huge worm like fish at the bottom of the ocean. it has rocky skin so when it sits still it just looks like terrain. its not till its starts moving and opens its huge mouth with many people sized teeth that you notice it.
Stone guardian   the stone guardian sits outside of villages violently attacking anything that tries to invade the village. the sit at about 100ft tall.  
Wandering Knight   These Knights wander around aimlessly. When they encounter another creature they attack it non stop with powerful attacks. The only way to avoid being attacked by one of these is to take off any armor and hide your weapons. they seem to see people who look like villagers as something to not attack.
Pit of shadows   The pit of shadows is a pit of humanoid monsters that are constantly trying to get out of the pit. The ones that do tend to be very strong and attack anything still living on site. But there are the exeptions of the tame ones. they are still strong but they dont attack. the just wander around. if it is provoked it will attack but only in defence and try to get away.
Concept of flame   Everybody at some point in their lives gets angry, mad, pissed, infuriated, furious, livid, enraged. And since everyboby feels this emotion it comes of in different ways for them. you could be the angeriest person in the world at the moment and still manage to keep a calm demenor or even smile and hide it. This now is something that intrested me. I came up with a theory as to why somebody would have this kind of reaction to anger.   Everybody has a threshhold Imagine it as a circle. then they have a flame, or anger. the flame starts off small inside the circle but once it gets big enough and goes beyond its threshold, the circle does not break but the flame continues to expand and another different flame starts within the circle. this flame is expressed in different ways by different people with a toal of 3-4 flames   a person who is on a rampage, once they pass the threshold they could be extreemley calm still holding that same anger.
Cobble soul   A bunch of peices of broken souls mashed together gets you cobble soul. Depending of whos souls are there regular people or warriors or a mix, it can be easy or hard to beat. You can only break it by using aura and its not taboo to kill the parts of souls but looked down upon because they can be returned to their owners
Drip Rage theory   Everybody has a capacity for rage. some big and some small. this is it explained.   The Bucket Through out peoples lives they will encounter many minor things that anger them but depending on the size of their capacity or bucket it can be more or less aparent that it made them angry. with smaller being more aparent and bigger being less. every encounter puts a drop in the bucket. if the encounter is major you get a bigger drop. severity of encounters vary from person to person   The spark Every time their is a drop in the bucket their is also a spark. if there is only a little in the bucket or even halfway full the spark might not do much but if the bucket is full or even over flowing the spark will set it off and it will start to burn   Fire This part goes hand in hand with the Concept of Flame. with this being if fuel. take note that drops can still be added even if its burning adding to the flame.
Weired alien creature from dream Dreams I Had   This creature is about 6ft tall. it has s flat top head with no visible eyes but their is a mouth like a crab.   it is humanoid with two arms like a crab. it claws glow green to show that they are poisonous   is humanoid and it has crab like hands
Strike a pose techniqe   While i was working at sixflags i was working in the games area. I was hosting the ringtoss game. That game seems rigged and impossible but it is possible.   I have made it on accident when i was cleaning and threw a ring over my back. After that i relized something. many of the people who win dont cheat or try to bend the rules. they simply did a weird move or struck a pose and then they won. they do something other than judt stand there and throw is what im saying.   so striking a pose can make it to where you are more likely to achive your goal in some cases.
Flash Bang   Flash bang is a sword technique that requires a charge followed by a single near instant attack.   This move can be used by either a sword or a heavy blade. how you charge the attack it up to you as well as the direction you swing the blade. the attack most of the time the sword will flash and be followed by a loud bang and a equvilant amount of destruction
Hero   This was going to be a tragic character but i dont know how to implement him because there would be a lot of death and berayal to the point where he goes mad, he starts to change and becomes this monster who is very strong and kills without hesitation if they think the people around them are scum.   He would go out to the field to hunt and easily kill the beasts and even if he is a monster he would protect those of who he deemed worth and would either kill the scum or just not help them.   The more i try to make a tragic character the more i see that i am unable to do so without making it sound corny or wierd. this would also be one of the characters where Umbra does not get involved.
Berserker mode.   this would Simplily enable Impact frames in real life.
Exo suit ghost   Exo suits are a type of armor that can be easily stored as their parts move into the void with the help of a special suit making it possible to rapidly equip and unequip it. (I will find a better way to explain it later)   The void the user uses can be influenced by intense emotion. Warping it.(i think im going down the warframe path.)   If you equip the armor while the void is warped it will warp the armor usually warping to look like a beast.   The users body gets twisted and contorted yet still remains to function with the help of the armor. The suit will heal them constantly. Sustaining their life.   If not healed soon after they leave the suit they could die.   There has been a setting that does not allow the user to equip or unequip the armor in an elated state of emotion. Even if the emotion is good.  
Clarity strike.   clarity strike is a move where everything becomes clear to you. you know exactly where to strike to win your battle.  
Combat arms   Combat arms is like a robotic layer of mucle.  eveybody in the kingdom of diamond has a right to one of these suits but only as a means of protection and to help in labor.    these suits are like are thin and are form fitting. the suits are meant to increase the ordanairy persons strenth many times over. its to the point where if the averge person wears one of these they can punch down solid brick walls, bend steel, and lift cars above there head.   the main catch about these suits is that the use Aura to function and while wearing it you are unable to use aura.
These are all things that i have made but have not decided if i should put them in my world. if i do add them they will be removed from here


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