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Solar Arts

You know when you use your muscles and you can feel the limit to your strength. This spell removes the cap and you will be able to infinitely gather your strength.   there is one case where a weak man who had an enemy who far surpassed him. He knew he needed to get stronger fast. so he sought out the guidance of Sol the Lion God of the sun. He followed the ritual needed to gain the strength he needed. after he gained the ability he went to where his enemy was and fought him. using the ability he gained within a week he quickly overpowered his foe. but it was not enough, he was in a rage. he was told to not to go to far and that even  masters of the ability could die from extreme use.    The man did not care. he pushed past the limits of the ability itself and instead of a broken body he set his body ablaze. he could think faster, move faster , and he was over all stronger. he blew away his enemy. after it was all over his body was badly burned. He died a few minutes after the battle had ended.     there was a discusion about this and if the man had learned to use the flame Combat arts before looking for a fight he might have survived with severe burns but to a lesser degree. since it could help him control the heat he was producing


base:removes the cap of your ability to gather strength. Ablaze: further enhances the users abilities at the cost of their body

Side/Secondary Effects

depending on your body's durability and how much strength you use effects from minor to fatal range from. (sore muscles, torn muscles, fractured bones, broken bones, damaged organs, and death.) there is also the possibility of burns with prolonged intensive use intense over use can set ones body on fire


when this spell is in use smoke comes off the body, and a massive amount of heat can even set ones self ablaze
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Gestures & Ritual
You must train your body and mind as a Believer of Sol
Related Element
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
none. even a baby could use it but death would be likely. but can only be gifted by Sol  or Umbra


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