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The mountain trail

The Mountains

  The mountains are in the east to the right of Umbra's island. The mountains are always visible from the Diamond kingdom to its left when facing Umbras Island.
  The mountains are surrounded by Harsh waters that can either be easy are deadly to get through depending on if you have the right abilities. When you step onto the island the first thing you might notice is the white sand looking almost like snow.
  the sky will be covered in grey clouds and the air will be cold.
  as you make your way up the mountain you will find that its a long but easy journey. one you make it to the summit there will be a entance. once you go into it you will be teleported to a platform in the sky.

The Trails


Trail 1

  it will be a curcular space with black dead trees with few leaves colored crimsion. the sky is still grey, the ground is covered in dirt and in the center of this area is a large stone fountain. There will be a winged figure standing atop the fountain covering its self with its wings.
  as you approch it will just look like a statue but as you get a closer look it will become aparent that it is alive. after about a minute it will uncover its self and reveal a woman. she will be wearing silver armor with the talons of a falcon. at first she will just stare at you, her gaze following you as you move. if you are not seen as a threat she will cover herself back up and be docile.
  if at any moment you become hostile she will hop down from the fountain and walk around you. She will then start to attack you with heavy strikes with her wings and throw blades attached to her wings.
  if you defeat her you will be able to move on to the next trail.

Trail 2

  To move on to the next trail you will need to go to the fountain and take the crest imbeded in the stone. Once you take it you will need to jump off the edge of the platform to the next. you will some how end up higher than you were before.
  Once you get to the next area you will be in a cobblestone arena. There will be a knight wearing full plate armor with a large great sword sitting in the middle. if you get too close the knight will stand up holding the sword over his shoulders. if you get even closer the knight will start to attack you. he will use over head and side attacks.
  do not let him charge an attack. they are very powerful. the time after charged attacks are also openings as it takes the knight time to recover from them.
  after you defeat them you can move on to the next trail.

Trail 3

  to move on to the next trail you need to take the crest embeded in the knights armor and go through the single large gate out side. one you go through you will come to a cliff. you will need to jump off to the next trail. you will somehow end up higher than you were before.
  once you get to the next area you will be in a grassy plain as far as the eye can see. the sky will now be blue filled with white fluffy clouds. if you turn around to look at where you jumped from you will be met with a massive earth wall. the wall seems to go on forever horizontaly.
  as you walk through out the field you will notice that nothing is happening. as day turns to night the sky will clear and the sky will be lit up by the stars and a full moonproviding most of the light. if you go to sleep you will wake up during the day time. you will notice that you are not hungry and are well rested.
  if you look around after that you will then notice something moving in the distance. Its a massive legendary Hush. Its sleeping peacfully.
  if you decide to wake it then it will immedietly start to attack you but not in the way you might think. The Hush does not prioritize melee attack but they use sound. it can make any area it wants to louder or quieter. When it does this you will the area is blurry.
  seeing these blurry areas and avoiding them is the best way to combat a hush as they are very dangerous. If you you notice that the hush is moving around but making no sound then run around as much as possible because that is a sign o its main attack.
  it will surround you with a louder area and bark as loud as it can. this bark can rip you to shreds and send you flying. it will make your ears useless if you mannage to live. so its best to just avoid that attack than take it head on.
  if you let it get into its Demon form then you will have an even bigger problem.
  After you defeat the Hush you can move on to the next trail

Trail 4

  To move on to the next trail you will need to take the crest embeded in the Hush's forehead. Once you do a hole will open up under it and it will fall through. you will need to jump into this hole. you will somehow end up way higher than you were before.
  Once you get to the next area you will be in and area on the edge of the world atmosphere and space. you will be on an invisible platform and there will be a podium. on that podium there will be three slots. put the three crests you got from the trails into these slots and you will be granted a single wish. 
  you can wish for anything and i mean absolutly anything. just take not that if you really do wish for something impposibe then you will be moved to a realm where it is possible and your wish will be granted.


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