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Void Zones

Areas on the sea that have a spacial gap into the void space. you are not conscious or aware when you enter it but you will know you were in one when you exit because you will suddenly be out of breath. if you go into one too slow or without taking a breath you will pass out and in dire cases die. most have been charted and preparations have been made to prevent death. the are about 100 - 500 feet wide. all Void zones are connected and can be used to shorten long distance travel       These are a result of Umbra not putting the world together right and called the gaps something natural so he would not have to fix it. Only one item has been made to bypass these zones made by Umbra and he gave it to Scott   Their are ways to survive if you know you are approaching one of these areas and many senarios im going to list .   1) If you do not have the proper boat or equipment to go into one of these areas and you know you are approching one look for lights on top of the water you will find a docking area where you can dock your boat and be given a oxygen mask. by a worker at the dock. they will ask you to undock your boat and wait for them to push you to the other side with a machine on the dock. Once on the other side you will be told to dock your boat on that sides dock and to give back the Oxygen mask and pay a minor fee. if you do not pay the fee it will be put on a tab and you will be asked to pay it later.   1.5) if you can not find a dock it is suggested you ride along the side and continue to look for one. it is not work the risk to just go in. Lets say you cant find a dock but you really need to get to the other side. Then those that are experienced in jumping the void say that you need to know exactly where the zone is. Then as you aproach it make sure you are at least going up and at a decent speed, and make sure you hold your breath. DO NOT try to enter going sideways. you Will die. other passegers must be laying down and holding breath   2) if you have the proper boat and equipment then come up to the zone and press the Void zone button. you will be thrusted forward and up. Make sure you have an Oxygen mask on and if there is a crew make sure they are bellow deck sitting down equiped with oxygen mask.   3) this is for Scott. You are still an old man so i know you are going to need help with the (Void jumper). just press the button and a hollographic bubble will surround the ship. make sure it surrounds the whole ship. as you are crossing everything should seem normal. once you are across again press the button again to turn it off.   4) if you have access to one you can use an ExoSuit to travel into these spaces.( you need these if you are going to use them to travel)


They Will look like regular areas. you could stand right next to one and not even know it.  Time flows the same inbetween these spaces too but any body that is not a god or demigod, they will not be be able to think when in these places and what ever they were doing when they entered they will continue to do. that includes falling, walking, and holding your breath.   The void spaces have the planets air presssure even though it has no air.    Gods can move and think in these spaces and it looks really strange on the inside. because you can still see the world behind and infront of you  but the sides are just endless void. (its really hard to explain how it looks)   There is no gravity in this space so whatever direction you were headed in when you entered you will keep going. so you might end up in the air or under water or still on the surface.    water and air are considerd part of the world and are not affected by the void space


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Dec 8, 2023 19:37 by Marc Zipper

An interesting article definitely sounds dangerous coming in. I also like the direct rules for Scott

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Dec 9, 2023 02:20

Thank you.

Mar 25, 2024 00:25

You know what you could do. You could turn these into a way to travel in between worlds, or have some undiscovered property that could be exploited to do so. Either way, this is really cool. Keep up the good work!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Mar 25, 2024 21:26

you honestly just gave me an idea. i will add it in my exo suit article later.

Mar 26, 2024 16:07

I just read both additions. Honestly, the way you did it with a suit instead of a special ship was really interesting. I wonder what it would be like?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Mar 27, 2024 13:35

i kind of thought of it acting like a space suit. you would need to mod a regular ship if you wanted to really move through the void.   i do have an idea for a ship but i dont know what to do with it.