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The rising of a new island


This is when Umbra and Scott went out to sea and umbra pulled up an island

One day umbra was exsloring the little iskand he made and went out by the sea. he seen a liitle boat and wanted to see who iit was. umbra called out to them. not long after they started heading to the shore. Umbra and Scott talked foe a bit and became freinds. Umbra asked Scott if he could take him out to sea. Scott said yes and off they went.    They were out there for a while when Umbra noticed something. There was a land mass under the sea. Umbra told Scott to wait for him while he dived in to see what it was. umbra came back up with a whole island. Scott was shoked by what he just wittnessed. a little kid just dived into the ocean and pulled up an island. Umbra then asked Scott to wait a little longer while he went to see what was on the island. Just about an hour later Umbra came back saying it was the best ever. They left the island and went back to the main land.

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