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the new king

Civil action


Umbra apoints a new king

Umbra Left the Civilizations he made for a little bit to work on other things. he tried to add people from other worlds and it would be cool for a while but in the end they just did not work so he removed them.   it was around this time aswell that he came up with a primitave form of the Aura system. there were only two modes your base and your powerd up form. you would gain insane power and your eyes would turn pure white. this was made from him getting mad one day and decided it was a good idea. There was also the fact that he reserved it for himself.   He then decided it was time to go check in on the continet across from his island He flew over there expecting a bustling kingdom but was instead met with poverty and famine. Umbra was confused. He asked a A boy on the streets what was happening and the boy explained what the king was doing. He was taking all the money and food for himself and punished those who tried to save up to stay alive. Umbra was angry. He took the boy with him to confront the king.   There were guards but they just let them through. When they got to the King Umbra was taken aback at how fat he was. Umbra wanted to hurt the king but decided it was not worth it. He just sent him to Umbras Hell. Umbra was disapointed. he decided to just make the boy the new king. Umbra asked the boy for his name. It was Max. Umbra Told Max his name and that he was the new king. Umbra now refers to Max as King only ever using his real name in serious personal matters.   Umbra Made king Immortal aswell so he could rule the Kingdom forever and Umbra became his advisor. Over time the kingdom became a bright place and everybody was happy. King even got a few nicknames such as "the immortal king"  and people just calling him pretty and beautiful.   There are always a few complains here and there but umbra always handles them. after a while umbra decided to go back to his island just to rest and relax for a bit.

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