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Lady Death

The deity of Death is, unique amongst the pantheon in that she was around for countless millennia before them. Lady Death, as she is often known, not as deity so much as eternity personified. She is believed to be the first thing in creation and it is said that she will be the last. She is both everything and nothing; the void and eternity. She is often believed to be the 'mother' of the gods. Despite the fact she is known as the Goddess of Death, she is actually thought of as one of the more benevolent Goddesses. She is held as a maternal figure by many; death is considered her gift as it ends the trials and suffering of life. It is said that when a person is dying, she will sit and comfort them as a mother would a child, before leading them into the beyond. She is said to guide souls between the realms, freeing them from the torments of the living.

Divine Domains

  • Life and Death
  • Eternity

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The most common symbol for Lady Death is an hourglass in the shape of an eternity symbol. Another symbol of Lady Death is the Dark Sun, due to the legend that at the end of the world the sun will turn dark as all return to the void from when they came. This is the symbol taken by the Warriors of the Dark Sun as their icon. Lady Death is said to appear as a dark haired woman dressed entirely in black. She is also known to appear as several animals, including a raven, a black hare or as a black cat.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She is known as Lady Death, The Goddess of Death, The Dark Lady, The Void, The Dark Mother, The Death Mother, The Eternal Mother, A ’Bhean Dorcha. Her true name, it is said, was lost in the darkness of millennia and she is now eternally unnamed.


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