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The Heart of A ’Bhean Dorcha

First, there was nothingness. Darkness blacker and heavier than a velvet cape, a void eternal. This was the heart of A ’Bhean Dorcha, and she was everything and nothing. She slumbered in the darkness, and dreamed into being her children; the gods. Magnus came first, then Cosima, followed by Skiaselvyn. Magnus and Cosima married, and their children were Brutus and Annatarra. As each god came into being, a bright speck of light lit up the sky; these were the first of the stars. More gods formed; Lyre and Sigismund, Mordon and Florentina; Omar and Fifaldia. Finally, A ’Bhean Dorcha woke and saw her children, and loved them. Out of love, she created gifts for them all; Magnus, received the power of the storms and the lightning; while for Cosmia she made the sun and the moon to set in her dark hair. To Skiaselveyn she gave the knowledge of all things; Annatarra received the ability to balance right and wrong. Brutus received unmatchable skill in battle; Lyre the ability to see into the hearts of others and guide them to love. Sigismund asked only for the ability to fight all things evil and impure, while Mordon was gifted her forge, where she could create all things she desired. Florentina received a golden mask and a silver tongue, gifting her with her skills of persuasion. Omar and Fifialdia asked for somewhere of their own to create and grow life and to make it beautiful. For them, A ’Bhean Dorcha created our world, and gave Omar the deep, swirling oceans. Florentina received the earth, where she delighted in growing flowers and trees and crops.

Variations & Mutation

This is a traditional Southern creation myth, dating back before their annexation into Ásaterra.
Date of Setting
The Beginning of Time
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