Partition of Na-Chisalt Military Conflict in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Partition of Na-Chisalt

by hughpierre

The Conflict


Following the siege of Chisalt, the citizens threw themselves onto the mercy of the Huanacauri and Terrestrial Army.   In an act of benevolence, the Sapa donated food from his stores. Going as far as withdrawing the majority of his troops to alleviate the material burden on the city. The rest patrolled the streets and aided in cleaning after the fire and watching for the ones who started it.


At the end of the war between the three kingdoms, an unprecedented call for diplomats was sent for nations of the Four Corners to witness the peace:
  1. Nuna Ruruchina: Observers to the proceedings, accompanied by a cadre of competent warriors to serve as bodyguards.
  2. Diu: Representatives from a fragmentary alliance started by Champ'a Uma
  3. Celestial Bureaucracy: Reluctant adjutants dubious of the motives of the host and the other nations, yet willing to act as mediator between the different groups.
  4. Mountain chiefs from Huanacauri: A delegation primarily made up of their military, as opposed to diplomats.


Sunqu Palace

The partitioning of Na-Chisalt took place over the course of a week. Everyday, delegations at the Conference of Chisalt had to climb the steep hill leading to the ruined palace. A once grand structure that honoured the Sukulluku line and their ascendancy over the patchs of land hundreds of years ago.   During, however, it was all ruined archways, broken glass scattered over the floor, shattered marble in many places, unrecognizable statues and the acrid stench of blood and ash. As a sad symbol of fallen pride and the stifling march of time; its converted throne room was pointedly chosen as the meeting place.

The Engagement


Chisalt's last king had chosen to sit at the long wooden table with the rest of the assembled leaders, rather than sit on the vacant throne. As it would happen, he did not even have the strength for his own honour guard; being lent a pair of soldiers for the role and gain some gravitas. It was a shock to all that King Tsinku legitimately had no loyal warriors of his own to call upon or the means to hire some independently. He had nothing. Terms could only be dictated to him:  
  1. Reparations for the damage done to border towns and small strips of annexed land
  2. Permanent embassies with every piece of the Sukulluku Kingdom that was going to be pulled free
  3. A long-lasting trade agreement with those nations to turn them into a primary market for Diu goods
  4. Land was 'purchased' from Na-Chisalt in the form of cloth or other lump sum resources to the present delegates


  • Establishing Chisalt, and the other colony towns of Na-Chisalt, as their own city-states
  • Scattering of the Sukulluku Royal Family:
    • Death of King Matamela Sukulluku
    • Abdication of King Tsinku Sukulluku
    • Disappearance of Princess Dana Sukulluku
  • Imbued distrust into the political establishment in the eyes of the commoners


  • Establishment of new successor states:
    • Muhu Ripuwlika
    • Hukllachasqa
    • Chan Awkisuyu
    • Juk Runa
    • Ch'atay Qutu
    • Ch'urin
  • Decentralized the region as a political entity for easier takeover

Historical Significance


Many Realms Divided

  1. Muhu Ripuwlika: A group of the surviving aristocratic coup plotters who had hastily proclaimed their new state. It's survival was always dubious; being filled with known traitors.
  2. Hukllachasqa: A collection of more than 20 petty territories who initially petitioned for independence but later deciding they would be safer as a unified entity.
  3. Chan Awkisuyu: A new client state of the expanding Tawantinsuyu that would eventually become incorporated as the Messa Principality.
  4. Juk Runa: A nation built from the majority of the army that had surrendered at the Great Fortress and who refused to be folded back into Tsinku's influence.
  5. Ch'atay Qutu: An experimental organization that based its governance around wealth-making principles but who were also suspected of causing the crime spree during the siege. (Crime League)
  6. Ch'urin: A single fortress in the south and nestled right against the mountains. It would eventually be absorbed into the Second Quadrant within any kind of notable fanfare.

Alternative Name
  • Table of Nations
  • Carving the Lizard
    Conflict Type
    Political Debate
    Battlefield Type
    Conflict Result
    Dissolution of the Sukulluku Monarchy
  • Belligerents


    Led by


    Ambassadorial delegation from Runa Terra:
    1. Karksahnas
    2. As Or
    3. Gaitsch
    4. Pachatusaniri
    5. Ristaran Wari Wasi
    6. Oakneis
    7. Musuq Wari Wasi
    8. Granvitz
    9. Wasiq'oni
    10. Llillay
    11. Wanka Willkaq'oya
    12. Pukaraq'ori



    Create a subordinate ally: Juk Runa

    Led by


    Various noble survivors who repudiated Tsinku Sukulluku's succession.



    Achieve independent country: Muhu Ripuwlika
    Allallanka and Ararankha

    Led by


    Dual representatives from the districts



    Find safety or vassalization under Diu North: Hukllachasqa

    Led by


    Matriarch of the Duquesa Family



    Come under the protection of Tawantinsuyu: Chan Awkisuyu

    Led by


    A collective of Ruruchiq and Ranqhaq and other wealthy individuals.



    Form a novel nation under business principles: Ch'atay Qutu
    Mountain Communities from Huanacauri

    Led by


    A cadre of army men surrounding the great southern fortress.



    Fortify Allallanka into a buffer state: Ch'urin

    Cover image: Lord of the Rings - Edoras by Chris Mathews


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