Galatea, Goddess of Magic

One of the less popular goddesses outside of Galatos, as she is associated with some "negative" domains. She is goddess of magic, crossroads, necromancy, witches, sorcery, ghosts, poison, and lights. She is worshipped as a household protector, especially from harmful magic. Though she is less involved in the mortal world than other gods, she is very powerful, respected and adored by even the king of the gods. She is also known for slaying the giant, Klytios, during the gods' war with the giants.    During the start of the Assymian War, despite her usual lack of involvement in mortal affairs, she descended to the mortal realm and slaughtered all of the Naxetian generals and soldiers who commited the genocide of Lataros.   Sometimes she appears to those in an important liminal moment, and has been spotted during many of the turning points of history for Eleutheri. Occasionally her lights will guide lost mortals to safety, or lost spirits to Argos's raft to cross the Styx.


Orio & Fantastia - The twin flames of Galatea. The sparks of Orio supposedly float up to the mortal realm, becoming the embers to kindle crossroads where change is needed. Fantastia is the origin of ghostflame, a supernatural fire with various speculated traits. It is known to guide lost souls across the river styx. She used these torches to slay multiple giants during the Gigantomachy, and more recently, she used them to burn down a Naxetian war camp, the ghostflame consuming everything around the camp, seen by the Assymians.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dogs, lions, torches, serpents, keys, and knives.


Monday, All Hallow's Eve
she/her, they/them, it/its
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou


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