Gallus, King of the Gods

Across the world, all watched as half of Mount Aegos, kingdom of the gods, fell from the sky. The central part of the kingdom tumbled through the clouds before its scattered bits rained down on the northern coast of Eleutheri, resulting in untold mortal deaths, and the death of three gods. Though before the kingdom rained down fire on the mortal realm, Gallus was already dying, a xiphos blessed with powerful elemental magic impaled into his back by his own daughter: Entropia. His defeat caused the kingdom to lose its place in the sky, killing them both, as well as Hyllus, the messenger of the gods. It is unknown how Entropia had her xiphos blessed with such powerful magic (she was no sorceress) but it seems there may have been an outside influence in the fall of Aegos.   As king of the gods, Gallus had influence over a great many things before his demise. He was god of leadership, the sky, wind, air, justice, and law. He was looked to for guidance by both mortals and gods, and was one of the most popular gods to pray to for protection from evil. Now his sons, the four winds, have his influence over the skies, wind, and air. The goddess Antiope became goddess of justice, while Antikles (god of the underworld) gained his influence over leadership and law.

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou


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