Hypenor, God of Music, Healing, & Oracles

The god of many things, and one of the most revered. He is god of music, poetry, and dance, as well as god of healing and medicine, and the patron of Hypos, creator of the Oracle of Pythia as god of oracles and truth. He is credited as the creator of the lyre and bow, and inspired mortals to create the first music. He taught his demigod son, Onetor, his knowledge of medicine and healing, leading to Eleutheri having an understanding of health far more advanced than other regions.   People from all over Eleutheri, and the world, travel to Pythia after hearing about its oracular legend. It was blessed by Hypenor per the request of Pythia, an ancient oracle, during the first Sacratean Crusade. She became the first oracle of Pythia, becoming a conduit of Hypenor's augural power. After the war ended, he continued to grant his power to the city of Pythia, and when Pythia died, he allowed another to take her place.


Chrysiakri - The bow of silver and gold. The bow itself is made of ornate gold with a silver string, and shoots silver arrows, originally designed to fell a titan if necessary.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ravens, swans, wolves, laurel wreathes, laurel trees, bows & arrows.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou


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