High Prelate

Both the head of the Sacratean Church and Empire, the High Prelate is worshipped by Sacrateans almost as much as their gods are. He is the will of the True Gods, ruling their Empire and speaking on their behalf. The current High Prelate is Luxolis Offertor, a human from the Holy Land and former Cardinal. He has been in office for nine years.


Appointed by the Cardinal Counsel after the death of the previous High Prelate. The Pontifical Metere occurs at the following midnight, where the new High Prelate is coronated and binds himself to the Kaletor Cathedral.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Hallowed Circle, the holy crown that the High Prelate is coronated with.
Religious, Political
Form of Address
His Holiness, Holy Father, Hallowed Speaker
Source of Authority
The True Gods
Length of Term
First Holder
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Travis Goldmann-Couch