The Sacratean Empire

The Holy Empire of Hallowed Sacratus, the most loved and feared nation of Fractis-Saol. The Sacratean Empire stretches far across the Holy Land and Rimecoast, and even as far as Swiftrock and the Miststrand Coast. The Empire is ancient, originally only extending across the Holy Land and nearby islands, but slowly conquered the other three regions.   Historically, the Rimecoast was a diverse region, with feudal human societies stretching across western and central Rimecoast, elvish societies hiding in the hearts of the great forests, and great dwarven empires sprawling beneath the Hoarfrost Range, while the northeastern Rimecoast and northern islands were conquered by proto-imperial raiders, and communal human societies were scattered throughout the southeastern Rimecoast. The Hallow, a central region of the Rimecoast, is the birthplace and home of most halflings as well.   Swiftrock is a more wild state, it's massive mountain range partially cutting off it and the rest of southern Sacratus off from the northern part of the empire. Due to this it was historically made up off small independent communities scattered throughout, while bandits and criminals often formed communities or hideouts in the wilder parts of the state.   The Miststrand Coast has always been a place where cultures from the north mix with those of the south. Small communities and feudal societies have mostly made up Miststrand.   Sacratus continues to attempt to expand its borders, going to war with multiple other nations in recent history in its attempts to invade.


The High Prelate and Cardinal Counsil have total authority over the Holy Land and all others brought within the empire.


Sacratus has a large military, made up of enlisted citizens. Most soldiers are called legionnaires, and most officers are called centuria. The military is divided into small legions that answer to centurians.


All other religions are illegal, but some manage to practice in secret.


Blasphemous (other) gods are illegal to worship in Sacratus. Travelers may be turned away for even appearing to worship other deities, and worship within Sacratus can be a fairly serious crime. Most Sacratean laws revolve around the tenets of their faith.

Tenets of Faith

  • Dea & Numen are the only true gods. All others are outlawed in Sacratus.
  • The gods' plan is far greater than any mortal's.
  • The word of the gods must spread. Other gods may be blasphemy, but but an outsider with true faith is not.
  • Worship the gods daily, and be proud of your faith.
  • Success comes to those in the gods' light.
  • Fear the gods. Their love is more powerful than any evil, but so is their wrath.
Founding Date
12 CE
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Holy Empire of Hallowed Sacratus
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Economic System
Market economy
The default currency of Sacratus is denarii, silver coins used for most transactions. It is worth 100 of the copper assarii also commonly used. Additionally, 25 denarii make up 1 golden aureus.
Legislative Body
The Cardinal Counsel drafts laws and are signed into law by the High Prelate.
Judicial Body
The Senate is the body that judges major crimes, made up of elected officials. They also elect judges to reside in each province for most crimes.
Executive Body
Judges appoint marshals to enforce laws in each community within their provinces, with the help of their hired troopers.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou