II-I The Will of the Blade

General Summary

The party, having successfully revived Satake, question her about the origin and purpose of the dagger Phobos, as well as its possession of her. Satake opens up to the group a bit, revealing that she was drawn to the dagger before it took hold of her, as if it was compelling her to find it. After she stole it, Phobos took full control of her, overwhelming her will and forcing her to fulfil its own. The group questioned if she was involved with the Crusaders but she denied any connection to Sacratus. She also explained that the dagger's warpath was headed for Shikisai no Nagame, a mysterious location in Kawakuni. The party eventually left her to rest, and to plan their next steps. After discussing everything they learned about Phobos and the threat it seems to pose, the group decided to search for any information they could find about the Chromatic Vista (Shikisai no Nagame). They returned to the gnomish scroll merchant they had visited previously and asked if he had heard of it and if he had any maps. He directed them to a cartographer's shop down the street, though the group was interrupted on the way as several warships passed on the river, drawing a crowd. Talking to some in the crowd revealed that the Metians were attacking the Crusaders, attempting to push them out of Eleutheri again. The party eventually made their way to the map shop, inquiring if the cartographer had ever heard of Shikisai no Nagame. The shopkeeper eventually disappeared upstairs to ask her grandmother, as she had never heard of it. While she was gone, Cherry snuck away an expensive looking book. Upon returning, the cartographer revealed that her grandmother had heard the name a couple times while in the nation of Yonshimai. The group searched through her maps of the region but found no mention of it. She sold the party a map of the three regions, as well as a map of Yonshimai. With a general destination in mind, the party immediately set out, running into Leo, who was able to give them a head start on their journey with his magic.

Rewards Granted

  • Doomwake Grimoire: ??? (must be examined)
  • Three-Region Map
  • Yonshimai Map

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Genesis Guild: 100 xp
  • Satake's Tale: 15 xp
  • The War Eternal: 10 xp
  • Second Try is the Charm: 15 xp
  • Sticky Fingers: 5 xp
  • A Path Forward: 10 xp
  • Leo, Caught Red-Handed: 5 xp
  • Satake's Burden: 10 xp
  Total: 170 xp
Report Date
21 Apr 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou


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