II-III: Look into Me

General Summary

The party, confused and temporarily split, was forced into combat when Satake was attacked by Pyria Sunspire. Several party members attacked Satake, believing her to be an enemy after all, while several rushed to defend her. After Satake attempted to save all of her party, even those that turned on her, the tide of the battle began to turn. One by one, the party began to realize that Pyria appeared to be the only one actually under the influence of Deimos. After asking the party if they trust him, Leo cast a strange spell, growing an alien eye on his hand. The eye seemed to trap Phobos (which was sticking out of Pyria's chest) in its own image, essentially turning it into a painting on Pyria's throne. While it was restrained, Pyria regained her senses. She told the party about the Soul Chains within each of the spectral spears around her court. One by one, each was summoned by the party. With all four chains brought to the throne, Pyria quickly bound the image of the dagger.    With a god defeated by the group, Pyria invited the group to tea. Everyone quickly went to bed, exhausted.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Overcoming the Dread of a God: 80 xp
  • Learning to Trust: 40 xp
  • Forcing the Astral Eye: 30 xp
  • Chaining the Blade-God: 80 xp
  • A Monster that isn't a Monster: 20 xp
  Total XP: 250
Report Date
16 Jun 2024
Primary Location
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